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5 Februari 2024 20:24

Example of a short MC text for routine recitation, complete with tips for composing the text

Becoming an MC not only prepares communication skills, but also has the ability to compose good and correct MC texts. Sri Jumiyarti Risno
foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Routine recitation is one of the activities often carried out by Muslims to improve religious knowledge and brotherhood. In routine recitations, there is usually a presenter or Master of Ceremony (MC) whose job is to guide the event. An MC must have good communication skills, extensive knowledge, and a polite attitude.

Becoming an MC is not too difficult, however you must have good practical communication skills. Not only that, you also need public speaking skills, managing voice intonation and good body language. It is not uncommon for an MC to easily adapt to various conditions so that he is not stiff when on stage.

Therefore, not everyone feels confident to become an MC, especially if they have no previous experience. However, that doesn't mean it's impossible to become an MC, with serious study and practice you can also become a professional MC, you know.

Becoming an MC not only prepares communication skills, but also has the ability to compose good and correct MC texts. So, this article will provide several examples of short MC texts for routine recitations that can be used as references. Apart from that, there are also several tips for composing MC text properly and correctly which can be used as a guide.

Come on, take a look at the following examples and tips! reported by brilio.net from various sources on Monday (5/2).

Tips for composing a good and correct MC text.

photo: freepik.com

Arranging MC texts well and correctly is one of the keys to being a professional and interesting presenter. There are several tips that you can put into practice, including:

1. Get to know the type, purpose and theme of the event you will host. By understanding this, it can help you determine the tone, style and content of the MC text.

2. Get to know the audience, guests and speakers who will attend the event. By understanding the audience, you can adjust the language, greetings and humor that will be used in the MC text.

3. Arrange the flow of the MC text neatly, from opening to closing. Make sure each section has a smooth transition to the next. A clear flow will help you manage your time and avoid chaos during the event.

4. Use language that is formal, polite and in accordance with EYD. Avoid language that is too stiff, rude, or vulgar. Use words that are easy for the audience to understand and remember.

5. Create short, concise and clear MC text. Avoid MC texts that are too long, wordy and repetitive. In essence, when composing MC text you must use sentences that are effective and straight to the point of discussion.

6. Insert humor, quotes or interesting facts that are relevant to the event. The goal is to make the MC text more lively and attract the audience's attention. However, don't overdo it or even deviate from the theme of the event.

7. Practice the MC text before the event. After composing the MC text, read the MC text aloud then pay attention to intonation, articulation and expression. Apart from that, you can also record and then listen back to the MC text that has been created, the aim is to make it easier to evaluate and improve its quality.

Tips for becoming a good and correct MC.

photo : freepik.com

Being a good and correct MC requires sufficient communication skills, knowledge and experience. For those of you who are beginners, it's a good idea to pay attention to the following tips so you can improve your skills as an MC, including:

1. Prepare yourself well before the event. Study the event's theme, objectives, layout and audience profile. Make the MC text short, clear and interesting. Then, practice speaking, intonation and body language.

2. Show confidence by being energetic and positive on stage. Start greeting your audience in a friendly manner. You can also use humor, quotes, or interesting facts that are appropriate to the event. Additionally, it is important to establish a relationship with the audience. The way to do this is to invite them to interact and provide feedback that attracts attention.

3. Adapt yourself to the situation and conditions of the event. If any changes, delays, or problems occur, don't panic. Remain calm and professional. Look for the right solution then provide clear information to the audience.

4. Deliver events smoothly and in an orderly manner. Follow the flow of the MC text that you have created. Don't deviate from the theme or waste time. Give an interesting introduction to each event segment. Then, give appreciation and praise to the speakers, guests or event committee.

5. Close the event well. Give a conclusion or summary of the event. Thank the audience, speakers, guests, and event committee. Invite the audience to pray together and give greetings at the end of the event.

Example of short MC text for routine recitation.

photo: freepik.com

Example of short MC text for routine recitation (1)

Assalamualaikum wr wb.


Alhamdulillah, we give thanks to the presence of Allah SWT who has given us the opportunity to gather in this place for the routine weekly recitation. We convey our prayers and greetings to the Prophet Muhammad SAW, along with his family, friends and followers until the end of time.

Ladies and gentlemen, who have been blessed by Allah, allow me as the MC to guide this recitation event. The schedule of events that we will carry out is as follows:

1. Opening by reading basmalah together.
2. Reading of the holy verses of the Qur'an and their translation by Mr/Mrs/Brothers/Sisters ........
3. Tausiyah by Ustadz/Ustadzah ........ with the theme ........
4. Questions and answers and discussion.
5. Closing prayer by Ustadz/Ustadzah ........
6. Reading hamdalah together.

Without further delay, let's start this recitation event by reading basmalah together. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.

Example of short MC text for routine recitation (2)

photo: freepik.com

Assalamualaikum wr wb.


Everything Praise be to Allah SWT who has given us the blessings of faith, Islam and ihsan. We offer our prayers and greetings to our lord the Prophet Muhammad SAW, who has brought us from the age of darkness to the age of enlightenment.

Ladies and gentlemen of happiness, welcome to the weekly routine recitation event organized by the Majlis Taklim... ..... at the Mosque ........ Alhamdulillah, we are still given the opportunity by Allah SWT to fill our time with useful knowledge and pious deeds.

I as the MC will guide the event this study. The following is the schedule of events that we will undertake:

1. Opening by reading basmalah together.
2. Reading of Al-Fatihah and selected letters by Mr/Ms/Brothers/Sisters ........
3. Tausiyah by Ustadz/Ustadzah ........ with the theme ........
4. Questions and answers and discussion.
5. Closing prayer by Ustadz/Ustadzah ........
6. Reading hamdalah together.

Let's start this recitation event by reading basmalah together. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.

Example of short MC text for routine recitation (3)

photo: freepik.com

Assalamualaikum wr wb.


With Thank God, we are grateful to Allah SWT who has given us guidance and taufik to be able to gather in this place for the weekly routine recitation. We offer our prayers and greetings to the Prophet Muhammad SAW, who has taught us about the perfect religion.

Ladies and gentlemen who glorify Allah, thank you for your presence at this recitation event organized by the Majlis Taklim.... .... at the mosque ........ May Allah SWT give us useful knowledge, clean hearts, and blessed deeds.

I as MC will direct this recitation event. This is the schedule of events that we will carry out:

1. Opening by reading basmalah together.
2. Reading of Al-Fatihah and selected letters by Mr/Ms/Brothers/Sisters ........
3. Tausiyah by Ustadz/Ustadzah ........ with the theme ........
4. Questions and answers and discussion.
5. Closing prayer by Ustadz/Ustadzah ........
6. Reading hamdalah together.

Let's start this recital event by reading basmalah together. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.

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