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2 April 2024 07:25

Example of a parent's statement letter for school, complete with instructions for writing it

The parent's statement for the school must be made completely and in detail, in accordance with the preparation guide. Brilio.net
Example of a parent's statement letter for school, complete with instructions for writing it foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Schools have full responsibility in providing education to all students. Parents also have full responsibility for all the support and environment that supports their children's education outside of school. The relationship between the two creates an understanding and bond of commitment in holding various activities that support the child's growth and development, both at school and outside school.

In establishing communication between parents and the school, parents can provide statements directly or through letters to show their side with a decision. For example, a parent's statement letter to the school regarding student participation in a certain agenda. The student's guardian has the right to determine whether the child can participate in the agenda or not, and if there is an agreement between the two, this can be done directly.

With such a great level of importance, a parent's statement letter to the school must be made completely and in detail, in accordance with the guidelines for making it. So that all the contents, format and purpose of the messages contained therein are in accordance with the applicable recommendations for making official letters. If you need an example of a parent's statement letter for school, along with guidelines for how to write it, you can quote the following information. Apart from that, you can also look for other references as complementary material to the statement letter.

No need to linger, please read this article until the end. The following is an example of a parent's statement letter for the school, complete with instructions for making it, reported by brilio.net from various sources, Monday (1/4).

(Intern/Zidan Fajri)

Uses and examples of parent statements for schools.

photo: freepik.com

A parent's statement letter to the school can be used in various situations and conditions. As guardians of students, parents have full rights to determine their child's willingness and involvement in participating in various agendas held by the school. Some of these things include showing the seriousness and commitment of parents towards their children's education. Apart from that, the statement letter can be used as a legal basis if a problem arises between the school and the student's parents. Then the most important thing is to maintain communication and openness between student parents and the school in determining various decisions.

An example of a parent's statement letter for school is as follows:

[School Logo]

[School address]



[School name]

[School address]

Subject: Parent's Statement

The undersigned below,

Parent's Name: [Parent's full name]

Address: [Full address]

Phone Number: [Phone number]

Hereby declare that:

I, [Parent's Name], am the parent/guardian of:

Student Name: [Student's full name]

Place, Date of Birth: [Place, Date of Birth of student]

Class: [Student class]

1. As the guardian of [student's name] I firmly declare that I am fully responsible for the education, welfare and development of my child. I will make every effort to create an environment that supports my child's academic, social and emotional development in carrying out all of the school's educational agenda.

2. I will support and respect all school regulations that have been established. I will also ensure that my child obeys these rules and follows existing procedures in any situation that occurs at school or outside school.

3. I know that ideal education is the right of all students. I also realize that education is a shared responsibility between schools and parents. Therefore, I will be actively involved in activities held by the school, including parent-teacher meetings, school events, and various other extracurricular activities.

4. As the student's guardian, I promise to provide the school with the necessary information regarding health, emotional conditions and other special needs that may affect my child's well-being and academic achievement as honestly as possible.

5. I declare that this statement letter was made in good faith, without any coercion from any party, and is a form of my commitment as the parent/guardian of [Student's Name].

Thus, I have made this statement letter truthfully and to be used in accordance with applicable needs.

Yours faithfully,

[Place], [Date]

[Signature of Parent/Guardian]

[Full Name of Parent/Guardian]

Guide to making parent statement letters for schools.

photo: freepik.com

The following is a guide to making a parent's statement letter for the school.

1. Determine the purpose of the letter.

The first step in making the letter is to determine the purpose of the statement letter. Is it to express the parents' commitment to their child's education at school, to provide important information to the school, or for other purposes. Make sure the contents of the letter are short, concise and clear, so that the school can understand the intent and purpose of the student's parents.

2. Identify important information.

Determine what information needs to be included in the statement, such as the parents' full name, child's full name, child's class, address, contact telephone number, and other relevant important information.

3. Create a letter format.

Format the letter using letter paper or official school letterhead if possible. Make sure the letter format looks neat and complies with official letter standards. To be more certain, you can see a sample of an official school letter on the internet page.

4. Mention of identity.

Write down the complete identity of the parents, including full name, address, telephone or WhatsApp number where they can be contacted, and relationship with the child in question. Also pay attention to the mention of the school's identity, the name of the teacher or relevant school official.

5. Make a statement.

Write a clear and concise statement regarding the commitment and things the parents want to convey to the school. Examples include responsibilities, or important information that you want to convey. Make sure the statement can be easily understood by the school, and also contains an agreement between both parties.

6. Signature and date.

Provide blank space for the parent's signature at the bottom of the letter, as well as the school's signature. Then don't forget to include the date the letter was written.

7. Review and correction.

After you have finished writing the letter, make sure to check the entire contents of the letter again. It is necessary to ensure that there are no errors or deficiencies in any of the information contained in it. Correct if there are errors in the data or statements presented.

8. Save a copy.

Please remember, it is very important to keep a copy of the signed statement for future reference for students and guardians.

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