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18 Juli 2024 13:25

Don't underestimate, 8 habits that trigger fetal development disorders, complete with ways to prevent them

Fetal development disorders can occur due to genetic or lifestyle factors. Sri Jumiyarti Risno
HL: freepik.com

Brilio.net - After being declared pregnant , of course a mother must always maintain her health so that the fetus can develop normally. Habits before pregnancy such as eating carelessly or unhealthy eating must be avoided immediately because they can trigger problems with fetal development.

The condition of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) or disturbance in the development of the fetus in the uterus is a condition in which the fetus is smaller than the estimated gestational age of the mother. Therefore, it is important to maintain health while avoiding bad habits of pregnant women that can harm the fetus in the womb.

The cause of pregnant women experiencing fetal development disorders can occur due to genetic or lifestyle factors. So what are the habits that trigger this fetal development disorder? Come on, take a look at the review below! Adapted by brilio.net from various sources, Wednesday (17/7)

Habits that trigger fetal development disorders.

photo: freepik.com

1. Passive or active smoking habits.

Smoking during pregnancy is very dangerous and can cause various health problems in the fetus. Dangerous chemicals in cigarettes, such as nicotine and carbon monoxide, can reduce the flow of oxygen to the fetus, which can cause various certain diseases such as low birth weight, premature birth, birth defects, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), and respiratory problems and baby's lung development.

2. Drink drinks that are high in caffeine.

Before pregnancy, you may like to drink drinks that are high in caffeine, such as coffee or tea. During pregnancy, you should reduce this habit because excessive caffeine consumption can cause fetal miscarriage, birth with a weight below normal, and even fetal death before birth.

3. Consume sweet foods & drinks.

The habit of consuming sweets should be avoided. Because, it can make the mother suffer from diabetes. If the mother experiences diabetes during pregnancy, there is a high possibility that the fetus will become infected more easily, thereby passing the disease to the fetus.

Apart from that, diabetes experienced by the mother also has a risk of disrupting fetal growth, such as miscarriage or very large fetal growth or macrosomia.

4. Habit of eating junk food.

Junk food or fast food is not good for health. This type of food has minimal nutritional content so if you continue to consume it it can disrupt the growth of the fetus. Instead of consuming junk food, you should replace it with food that is rich in beneficial nutrients for the fetus, such as vegetables and fruit.

5. Don't eat fruit and vegetables.

Being lazy about consuming fruit and vegetables is a habit that should be avoided. During pregnancy the mother needs a lot of nutrition to be given to the fetus. Therefore, fruit and vegetables are a good source of nutrition for baby growth.

Apart from that, fruit and vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals which help the development of the fetus while maintaining the health of the pregnant woman's body. And no less important, consuming fruit and vegetables during pregnancy also helps reduce complaints and prevent pregnancy complications.

6. Often stay up late.

Pregnant women should get more rest. The habit of staying up late can have a bad impact on the health of the fetus. It even interferes with the quality of life of pregnant women, such as being more anxious and stressed during pregnancy.

If not treated immediately, it can be associated with premature birth, gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, or even worse, it can increase the risk of baby blues after giving birth.

7. Not exercising.

The habit of not exercising not only disrupts the mother's health but also disrupts the development of the fetus. In fact, light exercise can help pregnant women prevent insomnia during pregnancy, muscle pain, excess weight gain, mood problems, help facilitate childbirth, and help improve the position of the fetus in the womb.

8. Take frequent warm showers.

Pregnant women should avoid taking warm baths. The reason is that warm water can have the risk of causing problems with the fetus, such as miscarriage, disruption of the brain and nerve formation process, or even causing a hernia in the baby. If you have to take a warm shower, it should not exceed 38 degrees Celsius and avoid soaking.

How to prevent problems with the fetus.

photo: freepik.com

1. Good prenatal care.

During pregnancy, don't forget to visit a doctor to carry out a prenatal examination to monitor fetal development and maternal health.

In addition, undergo recommended screening and tests to detect potential health problems in the mother and fetus early.

2. Consume balanced nutrition.

Eat a balanced diet, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and dairy products. Don't forget to take folic acid supplements before and during pregnancy to prevent neural tube defects.

Additionally, make sure to eat foods that are high in adequate intake of important vitamins and minerals such as iron, calcium, and vitamin D.

3. Avoid cigarette smoke and alcohol.

Both of these items are not good for pregnant women. Cigarettes and alcohol can trigger fetal problems or even death of the fetus.

4. Don't stress as much as possible.

What the mother feels can potentially be felt by the fetus. Therefore, a mother should avoid stress by practicing yoga, meditation or breathing exercises to reduce stress.

Not only that, a pregnant woman needs to get support from family, friends or the surrounding environment. This support helps pregnant women manage stress and anxiety.

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