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9 Agustus 2016 15:45

'Cupping' massage technique is trending with Team USA athletes

The circular bruises come from an ancient practice Nur Romdlon
'Cupping' massage technique is trending with Team USA athletes

Brilio.net/en - When Michael Phelps, the most decorated Olympian ever, won gold in men's 4x100 freestyle relay, many probably wondered: what are those small, circular marks on theback and shoulders of him and his USA teammates?

Theyare the end product of a healing technique called cupping or bekam (bruise) in Bahasa Indonesia, a healing technique originating in China that uses cups to ... well ... it hurts!

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The techinque is used by many athletes likeswimmers Natalie Coughlin and Nathan Adrian,andgymnast Alex Naddour.

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The cupping technique has existed for more than 2,000 years. Cupping is a reverse massage where heated suction cups are applied over the skin to pull up aching muscles.

There are two types of cups used, glass and plastic, but we can find more tools for cupping nowadays, a suction pump for example.

"The cups are left on for five to 10 minutes and, afterward, leave those familiar circular marks, which go away in two or three days and indicate improved blood flow to the area," said acupuncturist Jill Blakeway toldELLE.com.

"What happens is the suction draws fresh blood and lymph into the tissue and as the blood flow increases to all the little blood vessels, the tissue gets more nutrients and oxygen," she added.

Athletes are using this kind of therapy to boost performance, since it reduces stiffness, muscle cramps, remove scar tissue and helps to heal faster.

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