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5 Februari 2016 10:00

Cool shots! See how Lego bricks turned into our everyday objects

Lego bricks had become a part of many people’s childhood, and for some, of their adulthood as well! Retno Wulandari
Cool shots! See how Lego bricks turned into our everyday objects © MichaÅ‚ Kulesza

Brilio.net/en - Photographer and graphic designer Michal Kulesza maybe tried to show how his favorite childhood toy builds peoples life, everyday, brick by brick, by making them subject of his minimal photo series.

Kulesza, who based in Bialystok, Poland, took common objects ranging from bread and butter to a facial foam and place them side by side with pieces of arranged Lego bricks in such a way we usually see in our daily life.

"I wanted people to smile when browsing through my profile," says Kulesza, as reported by Mashable. "I wanted to surprise visitors with some weird ideas."

Kulesza has been a life-long lover of Lego, even before he was using them in his arts.

"I think this is the best toy I had when I was a kid," says he. "I built my first Lego set when I was seven or eight... I love the unlimited possibilities. You can build absolutely anything. Starting with a simple building all the way to the complex machines that actually work."

These Lego photo project was started back in November. He uploads new photos online almost everyday, and hopes to take the project in a new direction in the coming months.

"Not sure when exactly, because it takes resources, and time," he said.

Kulesza's Lego photography and other work can be found on his profile page on TookAPic.com.

1. Apple lego

2. Bacon lego

3. Beer lego

4. Bread butter lego

5. Cheers

6. Cheese lego

7. Facial foam lego

8. Lemon tea lego

9. Mouse lego

10. Muffins lego

11. Oranges lego

12. Pots of flower

13. Razor lego

14. Scattering lego

15. Spilled coffee lego

16. Sushi lego

17. Xmas bulb lego

18. Xmas cake lego

19. Xmas cookies lego

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