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6 Juni 2016 17:58

CCTV shows a sudden appearance of a woman before a biker: A banshee?

A CCTV that monitors a side street, allegedly in Singapore, recorded the strangest thing that could happen to a biker. Retno Wulandari
CCTV shows a sudden appearance of a woman before a biker: A banshee?

Brilio.net/en - Except for those of us who are ghost and ghoul aficionados, no one would want to voluntarily be visited by spiritual beings. Moreover, no one would want to meet such a creepy thing like a banshee (also known as kuntilanak in Indonesia).

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Image viavignette2

Unfortunately for you, there are those rare times that a banshee makes an appearance in our day. Mostly, it happens in the middle of the night, just as what happened to this poor biker.

A CCTV that monitors a side street, allegedly in Singapore, recorded the strangest thing that could happen to a biker. Posted by a group of ghosts enthusiasts Pencari Entity Crew (PEC), the video shows an empty street, and then a biker passing by.

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Then, as if out of a nightmare, a woman appears all of a sudden and disappears at once, which makes the astonished biker get off of his vehicle.

The horror doesnt end there. The mysterious woman appears AGAIN and this time, the biker takes the hint and runs for his life, leaving his motorbike in the middle of the street.

Whether this video fake or real, we have no idea. Just watch and share your thoughts!

Original article by Angga Roni Priambodo

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