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31 Juli 2017 09:55

Anti-Pad Panties, The New Eco-Friendly Product For Women

No more changing sanitary pads during your period! Syifa Fauziah
Anti-Pad Panties, The New Eco-Friendly Product For Women Illustration: Shutterstock/Imcsike

Four Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) students created women underwear that can be used during menstruation periodwithout having to wear conventional disposable pads.

The students, Zahiroh Maulida, Diane Friska, Laela Mustikasari and Siti Habibah created the product to reduce contamination of sanitary waste.

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Zahiroh said that sanitary waste can contaminate water so they tried to do something to reduce the contamination by creating the reusable No Wori panties.

Anti-sanitary panties No Wori is our innovation that has absorbent parts which women can use during period, Zahiroh said.

Zahiroh added that No Wori is made from micro fleece, microfiber, waterproof yet breathable materials and bamboo fiber fabrics thatare comfortable to wear. The product alsohas soft structure so it will not cause irritation.

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Nowadays, many of disposable pads are plastic-based which can damage the nature. Not only that they are not eco-friendly, they also have chemical material which can increase the risk ofcervical cancer.

No Wori means that there is nothing to worry about this product since it is eco-friendly, and it wont cause irritation or cervical cancer.

The panties are available in two models: Orange Cream and Blue Grey.

It does not have side effect since it is meant to protect womens reproductive health and reduce environmental pollution. The panties are also to prevent various diseases which might happen because of disposable pads, Zahiroh continued.

No Worri panties absorbency has been tested using animals blood which is relatively similar to humans blood.

It costs Rp 40,000 per panty for all size.

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