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27 Oktober 2015 12:00

An application shares the wisdom of older people to young generations

An application gives sage advice to Indonesia’s, internet savvy youth. Nur Romdlon
An application shares the wisdom of older people to young generations

Brilio.net/en - A Yogyakarta based community with experience in the field of applicative and creative application in art, science and technology has found a way to give sage advice to Indonesian youth in the only way they know how - through internet driven smartphone applications. Enter APP NENEK or Grandmothers APP, a brainchild of Lifepatch and foreign researchers Stefanie Wuschitz and Cindy Lin.

First unveiled during the Nenek Project exhibition at the Jogja Contemporary complex in Yogyakartas National Museum last March, APP NENEK sought to bring old and young together through modern technology. APP NENEK is designed as a bridge between youths and grandmothers so that the latters wisdom can be shared. It consists of traditional tips on parenting, recipes, traditional medicines, and other information that can only come from grandmothers Jogja Contemporary manager Rismiliana Wijayanti explained to brilio.net/en. Young people today are used to get their information through the internet. It is totally different from their elders, who often had to ask others for information because they had no internet or gadgets when they grew up.

Many elderly people have knowledge that theyre keen to be share with younger people, a wish that they cannot fulfill because of their inability to keep up with current technology. APP NENEK was made to accommodate these grandmothers adds Rismilliana of the application, which is designed to be downloaded on Android smartphones. "Our next step is to have everyone who acquired information from their grandmothers to be uploaded here. " said Rismilliana.

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