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6 Februari 2016 11:00

A student's coffin becomes the yearbook she never had

Although it’s impossible for Laura to receive her yearbook, her classmates came together to provide a touching yearbook-style tribute. Retno Wulandari
A student's coffin becomes the yearbook she never had

Brilio.net/en - The 18-year-old high school senior from Burlington, Canada, had been battling acute myeloid leukemia for years when she passed away on January 20. Although its impossible for Laura to receive her yearbook, her classmates came together to provide a touching yearbook-style tribute.

A photograph of Lauras coffin has been shared by one of her classmates on Imgur, which showed colorful handwritten notes from her school friends as usually found in the traditional yearbooks.

Image: Mashable

According to CTV News, before she died, Laura had been waiting for years to get stem cell transplant as a cancer treatment. In July 2015, she eventually found that there were some numbers of donors available, but due to a hospital bed shortage she was placed on a waiting list, despite having a matching donor.

Lauras family tried to find another hospital, yet found waitlists across Canada. Another option was to complete the surgery in the US, which would have cost over US$250,000.

Laura & her mother Frances/Ctwnews

In August 2015, Laura finally had a bed in hospital and underwent surgery, only for the cancer to return in November. Then she ended up in intensive care, but was able to leave the unit on January 1.

Her coming home brought excitements and hopes to the family.

Laura was supposed to go to City of Hope, a hospital in California for additional treatment on January 18, but was unable to travel due to medical complications just one day prior the schedule. She died later that week.

Her funeral was held on January 30.


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