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19 Maret 2024 21:25

9 The priority of charity in the month of Ramadhan, a noble practice that is recommended

Almsgiving has many virtues and abundant rewards, especially when done in this holy month. Dwiyana Pangesthi
9 The priority of charity in the month of Ramadhan, a noble practice that is recommended foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - The month of Ramadan is a time full of blessings for Muslims all over the world. In addition to being a month full of forgiveness and maghfirah, Ramadhan is also known as a month full of noble deeds. One of the recommended practices during the month of Ramadan is charity.

Charity has many advantages and abundant rewards, especially when done in this holy month. According to the hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah RA, the Prophet SAW said that the main almsgiving is given in the month of Ramadan.

Meaning: The Prophet Muhammad SAW said, "The best charity is the charity given in the month of Ramadan." (HR Tirmidhi)

Well, for those of you who want to take advantage of this month of Ramadhan to increase the practice of charity, first know the priorities of charity in the month of Ramadhan.

Here are the nine virtues of charity in the month of Ramadan, which is a noble practice that is highly recommended in Islam as gathered by brilio.net from various sources, Tuesday (19/03).

The priority of charity in the month of Ramadan.

photo: freepik.com

1. Getting closer to Allah SWT.

One of the great priorities of charity in the month of Ramadan is to draw closer to Allah SWT. The Prophet SAW said, "Alms covers sins as water extinguishes fire." (Tirmidhi).

Ramadan is a time full of opportunities to increase the spiritual relationship with the Creator. Through charity, a person shows sincerity and concern for others, thus strengthening the spiritual bond with Allah SWT.

2. Get multiple rewards.

In the month of Ramadan, the reward of good deeds is multiplied by Allah SWT. This also applies to charity. The Prophet SAW said, "A person who gives charity is like a person who gives a loan to Allah, and Allah will multiply His reward." (Al-Hadith)

Every charity we give in the month of Ramadhan will receive a multifold reward from Allah SWT.

3. Cleansing the heart from miserliness.

One of the main purposes of charity is to cleanse the heart from miserliness and attachment to worldly possessions. In the month of Ramadhan, where Muslims try hard to cleanse themselves spiritually, charity becomes an effective means to cleanse the heart and soul of these negative attributes.

4. Get protection from hell fire.

Charity has a great priority in Islam, including protection from the torment of hellfire. The Prophet SAW said, "Every Muslim who gives alms every night of Ramadan with sincerity, he will be prevented from the fire of hell." (Ibn Majah)

By giving charity in the month of Ramadan, one not only gets a reward, but also gets protection from the torment of hellfire.

5. Being the reason to enter heaven.

Charity is one of the practices that become the reason for entering heaven for a Muslim. The Prophet SAW said, "Everyone who gives charity in the month of Ramadan sincerely, will be given a paradise." (Ibn Majah)

Charity given sincerely and sincerely in the month of Ramadhan will be the best investment for the eternal future of the hereafter.

6. Being the cause of being helped by Allah SWT.

Allah SWT promises His help to those who like to give charity. The Prophet SAW said, "Alms can protect oneself from the disaster that will happen." (Tirmidhi)

Alms given sincerely can be a shield for us from various disasters and calamities. By giving charity in the month of Ramadan, a person obtains the promise of Allah SWT to get His help in this world and in the hereafter.

7. Being a proof of love to others.

The Prophet SAW said, "The faith of a person among you is not perfect until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself." (Bukhari)

By giving charity, we show our love and affection to our fellow human beings as we love ourselves.

8. Nourishes sustenance.

The Prophet SAW said, "No one's sustenance is reduced because of charity." (Muslim).

This means that even though sometimes we feel worried that by giving some sustenance, we will lack, but God promises that our sustenance will not decrease because of charity.

9. Be a source of inspiration.

By giving charity in the month of Ramadan, we can be a source of inspiration for others to do good. Our actions can open the door for others to follow our footsteps in sharing goodness and creating a more empathetic environment.

Giving charity in the month of Ramadan is not only about giving part of our wealth to others, but also about opening our hearts and souls to care more for others. By giving charity, we not only benefit others, but also for ourselves, because charity is the best investment for life in this world and in the hereafter.

Groups who are entitled to receive alms.

photo: freepik.com

Sedek is one of the five main pillars in Islam which is considered a very noble charity. However, when giving alms, it is important to understand who is entitled to receive it

1. Poor people.

Namely, those who live in absolute poverty or have very limited resources are entitled to receive alms. They often do not have enough to meet their basic needs, such as food, clothing, or shelter.

2. Orphans and Dhuafa.

Namely, orphans and people who are weak in society (dhuafa) are also considered to be groups entitled to receive alms. They often do not have enough financial support and are in dire need of help.

3. Travelers who are left behind.

In the context of Islamic history, travelers who were stranded or injured during their journey were also considered entitled to receive alms. They may run out of resources or encounter difficulties on their journey.

4. Debt.

Namely, people who have debts and are unable to pay them are also considered entitled to receive alms. This includes people who are mired in debt they cannot repay.

5. Freeing slaves.

In a historical context, alms were used to free slaves in need. Although the practice of freeing slaves has diminished significantly, the principle remains relevant in the context of providing assistance to those trapped in unjust situations.

Hopefully we can all become devout and generous servants, and achieve Allah SWT's forgiveness and maghfirah in this month of Ramadan. Amen.

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