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6 September 2024 23:50

5 Examples of short narrative texts, putting together a story in one paragraph that is dense with words

The ability to convey a compelling story in a concise format is a highly valuable skill. Brilio.net
foto: pexel.com

Brilio.net - Narrative text is a form of writing that tells an event or incident in sequence. Short narratives are becoming increasingly popular in the digital age, where readers' attention tends to be limited. The ability to convey an interesting story in a concise format is a very valuable skill.

Understanding narrative text.

The narrative text is:
1. Writing that tells a story or incident
2. Have a clear flow or time sequence
3. Aims to entertain, inform, or educate readers

Important elements of narrative text.

Some key elements in narrative text include:
1. Characters or figures
2. Background (time and place)
3. Storyline
4. Conflict or problem
5. Resolution or completion

Benefits of short narrative texts.

Short narrative texts have several advantages:
1. Easy to digest in a short time
2. Suitable for digital platforms and social media
3. Train your ability to write concisely and clearly
4. Increase creativity in storytelling

Example of a short narrative text.

In this article, we will present five examples of short narrative texts that demonstrate how a story can be effectively conveyed in a concise format. These examples cover a variety of themes and writing styles, providing inspiration for writers to develop their narrative skills.

1. Unexpected meeting.

Dusk began to fall on the crowded train station. Ana glanced at her watch, anxiously waiting for the last train. Suddenly, someone tapped her shoulder. She turned around, surprised to see Bimo, her old high school friend. They talked, reminisced, and laughed together. When the train arrived, Ana realized that sometimes, a short meeting can turn an ordinary day into something special.

2. Little adventure.

Riko, 7 years old, sneaks out of the house with his small backpack. He is determined to explore the forest behind the house. After walking a few meters, he hears a strange sound. Frightened, Riko turns around and runs home. When he arrives home, he finds his mother smiling, holding the lunch box that was left behind. The day's adventure ends at the dining table, with imaginary stories and warm family laughter.

3. Simple magic.

Heavy rain poured down on the city. At the bus stop, an old woman stood trembling, having forgotten to bring an umbrella. Unexpectedly, a teenager approached her and offered her his umbrella. The old woman was moved, and accepted it gratefully. The teenager smiled, then ran through the rain. At that moment, the old woman realized that kindness still exists, even in the simplest forms.

4. Choices that change.

Dina stared at two envelopes on her desk. One contained an offer of a scholarship abroad, the other a work contract at her dream company. She closed her eyes, remembering her journey so far. After a while, Dina opened her eyes and made a decision. Whatever her choice, she knew her life would change starting today.

5. Message in a bottle.

The waves crash a glass bottle onto a deserted beach. The Old Man, a local fisherman, picks it up curiously. Inside, a piece of paper with a message: "If you find this, know that you are not alone." The Old Man smiles, realizing that in the vastness of the ocean, there is always a way for hearts to connect.

The short narrative text examples above show how a story can be effectively conveyed in a concise format. Although brief, these narratives are still able to convey emotions, conflicts, and resolutions that engage the reader in the story.

Some keys to creating an interesting short narrative text:
1. Focus on one important moment or event
2. Use strong and descriptive diction
3. Build relatable characters quickly
4. Insert a twist or surprise at the end of the story
5. Leave room for the reader to imagine

By practicing writing short narrative texts, writers can improve their ability to convey stories in a concise and interesting way. This skill is invaluable in the digital age, where short but memorable content is increasingly in demand.

Finally, it is important to remember that even though it is short, a narrative should still have a clear structure: an attention-grabbing opening, a strong body of the story, and an ending that leaves an impression.

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