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13 Februari 2024 12:45

45 This hilarious portrait of a trader's banner is so odd that it makes buyers confused, the trader just makes up his mind

Fixed, this trader has a PhD in marketing Muhammad Rizki Yusrial
45 This hilarious portrait of a trader's banner is so odd that it makes buyers confused, the trader just makes up his mind

Brilio.net - If you want to attract consumer attention, traders certainly have to think about a promotion strategy . In Indonesia, roadside traders usually use banners. This will be effective if placed in strategic locations such as in front of shops or busy areas.

Apart from that, of course you also need to present clear and interesting information. So, just by looking at it once, potential buyers will immediately understand what is being sold. Creative design and the right choice of colors also help create a strong visual appeal.

When making promotional banners, creativity is needed. However, perhaps because they want to look different, many traders or their marketing teams actually create strange banners. As in the image below.

No wonder, the writing on the banner makes potential buyers have to look twice before they understand. Just look at the hilarious portraits, all collected by brilio.net from various sources on Tuesday (13/2).

1. If people are hungry, they think it's catfish pecel.

photo: Twitter/@nocontextwarung

2. If I want to buy it, I'll repent for this, I'm afraid of the torment of hell.

photo: 1cak.com

3. Yes, if you don't sell it, why use the catfish pecel concept.

photo: Twitter/@txtdarioffstore

4. Yes, I think it's land or house promotion.

photo: 1cak.com

5. Taking advantage of the momentum, it's no wonder you're looking at the polling station and don't see your mother's face on the ballot paper.

photo: Twitter/@therealdajjal

6. Selling hik (a special village dish) poses to legislative candidates.

photo: Twitter/@bubzeealien

7. What is this actually selling?

photo: Twitter/@nocontextwarung

8. Even if I look at this twice, I still don't understand the concept.

photo: Twitter/@nocontextwarung

9. Oh, it's versatile, right?

photo: Twitter/@nocontextwarung

10. At least first make sure you want to open a business. Shoe soles or selling ice cream?

photo: Twitter/@nocontextwarung

11. So, what is the function of the motorbike writing there?

photo: Twitter/@nocontextwarung

12. It's also good if you have lots of skills like this.

photo: Twitter/@nocontextwarung

13. The key expert is a photography graduate.

photo: Twitter/@nocontextwarung

14. Since when can restaurants do bridal makeup too?

photo: Twitter/@nocontextwarung

15. This marketing team must have S3.

photo: Instagram/@awreceh

16. How effective is the concept of pecel lele like this? How come it's used so often?

photo: Twitter/@nocontextwarung

17. It's natural to think, why are minimarkets built like that now? Oh, it turns out it was a play.

photo: Twitter/@nocontextwarung

18. Tempted to be free for life, but it's really hard to make it happen.

photo: 1cak.com

19. How come there are chicken noodles that cost 800 million.

photo: Facebook/@Indonesian Ministry of Humor

20. Besides, it's impossible for people to sell it for 8 million.

photo: Twitter/@nocontextwarung

21. Almost stopped by to create an account.

photo: Instagram/@sukijan.id

22. It says fried food sold as firecrackers.

photo: Twitter/@nocontextwarung

23. What's so difficult about just writing about selling meatballs, ma'am?

photo: 1cak.com

24. Wow, I'm really scared.

photo: Instagram/@memengakak123

25. Almost people get angry because they want to be called perpetrators.

photo: Instagram/@memengakak123

26. If you drink this ice, tomorrow will be the end of the world, right?

photo: Instagram/@memengakak123

27. Oh my God, I've tried thinking positively and still can't find out what it means.

photo: Instagram/@memengakak123

28. Cook to harass buyers.

photo: Twitter/@nocontextwarung

29. Wait a minute, this buyer is confused. Want to make a splash or promote?

photo: Twitter/@nocontextwarung

30. Hmm, okay if that's the name.

photo: Twitter/@nocontextwarung

31. Almost got caught by mistake.

photo: Twitter/@nocontextwarung

32. Is it the reverse of the writing or the brain that reads?

photo: Instagram/@lelucon.seru

33. Where's the catfish pecel?

photo: Instagram/@wkwkland_real

34. Inside they are selling clothes.

photo: Twitter/@nocontextwarung

35. When I zoomed in, I didn't see a rice seller.

photo: Twitter/@nocontextwarung

36. Oh, it can change like that, right?

photo: Twitter/@txtdarioffstore

37. Never mind, it's not informative, it also provokes emotions.

photo: Instagram/@warungobrol

38. And promotional writing that is not finished makes buyers curious, right?

photo: Instagram/@warungobrol

39. Think about offering a loan.

photo: Twitter/@nocontextwarung

40. What if someone actually stops for treatment?

photo: Twitter/@nocontextwarung

41. Those who are having a headache because of their thesis become even more stressed.

photo: Twitter/@nocontextwarung

42. Maybe the owner is a basketball athlete.

photo: Twitter/@nocontextwarung

43. How can buyers not be confused? Try it.

photo: Instagram/@warungobrol

44. So now the meatball shop also sells light steel.

photo: Twitter/@nocontextwarung

45. Sorry, the warteg is Warung Tegal, why does it still have Padang specialties?

photo: Twitter/@nocontextwarung

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