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27 September 2024 02:40

3 Types of Starts in Running: Techniques and Benefits

Learn three types of running starts that are important for improving your running performance. Annisa Endriyati Utami
3 Types of Starts in Running: Techniques and Benefits

Brilio.net - In the world of athletics, understanding the types of starts in running is the key to improving performance and efficiency. Each type of start has its own techniques and advantages that can affect the final results of the race. This article will discuss the three most commonly used types of starts in running: standing start, crouch start, and flying start.

Standing start

The standing start is one of the simplest types of running starts and is often used in middle and long distance running. This technique involves the runner starting in a standing position with one foot in front and one foot behind, with the body weight slightly leaning forward.

Advantages of standing start :

1. Simplicity : The standing start does not require special equipment such as starting blocks, making it more accessible to runners of all skill levels.

2. Reduces the risk of injury : A more natural starting position reduces stress on muscles and joints, thereby reducing the risk of injury.

3. Flexibility : This technique can be used in various types of races, especially middle and long distance running.

Use of Standing Start : Standing start is commonly used in middle distance (800 meters) and long distance (1500 meters and above) running. This technique allows the runner to start quickly without requiring complicated preparation.

Crouch start

The crouch start is a more complex type of running start and is often used in short-distance running. This technique involves the runner starting in a crouching position with both hands on the ground and using starting blocks to provide a powerful initial push.

Advantages of the crouch start :

1. Strong initial push : The squat position allows the runner to maximize the initial push, thereby reaching top speed more quickly.

2. Stability : The squat position provides additional stability, which is important for maintaining balance when starting to run.

3. Energy efficiency : This technique allows runners to use energy more efficiently, so they can maintain speed longer.

Use of crouch start : Crouch start is commonly used in short distance running (100 meters, 200 meters, and 400 meters). This technique is very important in sprint races, where every second counts.

Flying start

A flying start is a type of start in running that is used in relay races, especially for the second, third, and fourth runners. This technique involves the runner starting from a standing position and receiving the baton from the previous runner.

Advantages of a floating start :

1. High starting speed : This technique allows the runner to start at an already high speed, reducing the time spent on acceleration.

2. Momentum : A flying start helps maintain team momentum, which is very important in relay races.

3. Team coordination : This technique requires good coordination between runners, thus improving teamwork.

Use of flying start : Flying start is used in relay races (4x100 meters, 4x400 meters). This technique is very important to ensure a smooth and efficient baton transition.

Understanding the different types of starts in running is an important step to improving running performance. Each type of start has its own techniques and advantages that can affect the final result of the race. The standing start is suitable for middle and long distance running, the crouch start is ideal for short distance running, and the flying start is essential in relay races. By mastering these techniques, runners can maximize their potential and achieve better results in competitions.

Mastering the various starts in running not only helps in increasing speed and efficiency, but also reduces the risk of injury and increases confidence. Therefore, it is important to practice and understand each starting technique well.

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