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14 Februari 2024 19:40

3 Conditions for the 2024 Presidential Election can last one round, one of which must be won in 20 provinces

Candidate pairs must have more than half the number of valid national votes Hapsari Afdilla
3 Conditions for the 2024 Presidential Election can last one round, one of which must be won in 20 provinces Liputan6.com/Faizal Fanani

Brilio.net - The General Election Commission of the Republic of Indonesia (KPU RI) has begun announcing the results of the vote count or real count of the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres).

Preliminary results of the KPU's real count on Wednesday (14/2/2024) at 17.12 WIB, incoming votes reached 5.61 percent or 46,185 polling stations (TPS) out of a total of 823,236 polling stations throughout Indonesia. The details are as follows:

Pair number 01 Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar: 672,183 votes or 21.85 percent. Pair number 02 Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka: 1,776,525 votes or 57.74 percent. Pair number 03 Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud Md: 628,160 votes or 20.42 percent.

photo: Instagram/@kpu_ri

Chairman of the Indonesian General Election Commission (KPU) Hasyim Asy'ari explained the formula for one round of the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres). According to Hasyim, the election formula has been stipulated in the constitution and is referred to in the Law on Elections.

"The election formula in the constitution is determined and then referred to in the Election Law, for the Presidential Election there are conditions for determining the elected candidate," said Hasyim in Jakarta as quoted by Brilio.net from Liputan6.com, Wednesday (13/2/2024).

Hasyim explained that there are three conditions that must be met when a pair of candidates want to win the presidential election in just one round.

photo: Instagram/@kpu_ri

First, the candidate pair has more than half the number of valid national votes. Second, winnings must be spread across more than half of the provinces in Indonesia.

"If our current number of provinces is 38 provinces, how many are half? 19, meaning we have to win in 20 provinces," said Hasyim.

Third, Hasyim revealed, the condition is that in each province the winning rate is at least 20 percent.

photo: Instagram/@kpu_ri

"So there are three formulas," said the Chairman of the KPU.

Hasyim continued, if one of these conditions has not been met then a second round of the presidential election will be held, followed by the candidate pairs who received the most votes in first and second place.

"Then the winner in the second round is no longer determined by the initial conditions, so there is no need for a second round if there are only two candidates left," said Hasyim Asy'ari in conclusion.

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