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20 Februari 2024 10:40

20 examples of good deeds at school that must be imitated in order to become a model student

By showing a commendable attitude you can be a role model for our friends and transmit a positive attitude to others. Muhamad Ikhlas Alfaridzi
20 examples of good deeds at school that must be imitated in order to become a model student foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - As a student, you must pay attention to the attitudes and behavior shown at school. A commendable attitude is one that is good and exemplary, you know. This means that you must try to be a student with good character and responsibility. Applying these moral values is very important because it will reflect your personality as a student.

When we implement a good attitude at school, you also help build a harmonious learning environment. Values such as honesty, discipline, courtesy and helping are examples of commendable attitudes that you must demonstrate. In this way, you can be a role model for our friends and transmit a positive attitude to others.

Being a student with good ethics is nothing to be ashamed of. On the contrary, you will get recognition and respect from your teachers and friends at school. Apart from that, lessons and learning at school will run smoothly if all students adopt a commendable attitude. So, let's make adopting a commendable attitude an important part of our life at school.

So, for you prospective model students, let's look at some examples of good deeds at school. Summarized by brilio.net from various sources on Tuesday (20/2), the following examples must be imitated so that you become a model student.

Examples of good deeds to fellow students.

photo: freepik.com

1. Help a friend who is in trouble.

Helping is one example of good deeds at school. For example, you can help a friend who has difficulty understanding the lesson material. Another example, providing help when a friend is sick or injured. This method will certainly earn you respect from your friends. When the opposite difficult situation befalls you, your friends will not hesitate to provide help happily.

2. Share materials or notes.

At school, each student certainly has their own strengths and weaknesses. There are those who can take notes on lesson material well, there are also those who tend to have difficulty listening to and taking notes on lesson material from the teacher. So, sharing study materials or notes with friends who are having difficulty during class can help them keep up with learning.

3. Provide encouragement and enthusiasm.

As a fellow student, you can pass on your enthusiasm to other students. The way to do this is by giving words of encouragement and encouragement to friends who are experiencing difficulties. Be it in lessons, competitions, or personal matters.

4. Respect and appreciate.

Another example of good deeds is mutual respect and appreciation. To fellow students, you need to respect and respect your friends' opinions, habits and differences, and not intimidate or harass.

5. Be a good listener.

Even though you are good at talking, you don't have to talk all the time. Listening attentively when friends want to talk about problems or feelings is one of the good deeds at school. As a good listener, you must do so without judging or belittling your friend.

photo: freepik.com

6. Welcome in a friendly manner.

Everyone certainly wants to be appreciated. To get it, you certainly have to reflect this attitude to all your friends at school. Greeting friends with a friendly smile and a warm greeting every day will make them feel welcome and appreciated.

7. Maintain a clean environment.

You and your friends at school must be the pioneers of the cleanliness and beauty of the school environment. The way to do this is by cleaning and caring for the school environment together, including cleaning the classroom, school yard and public facilities.

8. Invite to join in activities.

If you have an exciting activity, it's a good idea to invite your friends to join. For example, inviting your friends to join in extracurricular activities or positive social activities. This is certainly useful for increasing engagement and social skills as a student.

9. Maintain safety.

Potential danger can certainly happen to anyone at any time. You and your friends need to keep each other safe. The way to do this is by reminding each other when they see danger or when doing behavior that tends to be risky.

10. Give appreciation and appreciation.

Everyone certainly has dreams they want to achieve. But not everyone can achieve it easily. Therefore, every business needs appreciation and appreciation. Saying thanks and giving appreciation to friends who have made an effort, whether in studies, sports or other activities, is a good deed and must be practiced.

Examples of good deeds towards teachers at school.

photo: freepik.com

11. Respect and listen.

As a student, you can show respect for teachers and staff at school. This is done by listening carefully every time they speak, or give instructions in class or in other school activities.

12. Greet in a friendly manner.

When meeting teachers or staff at school, students can greet them in a friendly and polite manner as an expression of appreciation for their role in providing education and protecting the school environment.

13. Say thank you.

As a student, you need to always say thank you to teachers and staff. This expression is of course conveyed for the help, guidance, or contribution they provide to students. Expressing gratitude is a simple but meaningful act.

14. Follow school rules.

As a student, you need to behave disciplined at school. You need to know, discipline is not a requirement, but a lifestyle that you must adopt. By following the school rules and regulations set by teachers and staff, you have shown respect for the school and helped maintain discipline in the school environment.

15. Participate actively.

One form of appreciation for teachers and staff at school is to actively participate. You can apply this in lessons, extracurricular activities and other school programs.

photo: freepik.com

16. Maintain neatness and cleanliness.

As a student, you certainly have an obligation to help maintain cleanliness and order in the school environment. For example, by tidying up seats, disposing of rubbish properly, and maintaining various facilities at school.

17. Become a volunteer.

As an honors student, you can offer yourself as a volunteer. For example, helping teachers and staff with school activities, such as organizing the library, welcoming guests, or helping with sports activities.

18. Showing concern.

To become an exemplary student, you need to be someone who has a high sense of caring. For example, you can speak out about the welfare of teachers and staff. You can also offer help when they need it, whether it's carrying things. Apart from that, you can also provide moral support if you are having problems.

19. Respect time and delays.

Time discipline is a characteristic of exemplary students. Coming to school on time is your way of appreciating the teachers and staff who also show up on time to class. As an honors student, you also need to avoid unnecessary tardiness.

20. Speak with respect.

When interacting with teachers and staff, you can use polite language. This is important as a sign of respect in expressing your opinions, suggestions and concerns.

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