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21 Juni 2024 21:41

19 cheesy words in Andhika Pratama's Report Pak style, suitable as status captions on social media

These cheesy words in Andhika Pratama's Lapor Pak style are suitable for those of you who are PDKT with your crush. Sri Jumiyarti Risno
19 cheesy words in Andhika Pratama's Report Pak style, suitable as status captions on social media foto: Instagram/@andhiiikapratama

Brilio.net - Andhika Pratama, an actor and presenter who often tells various unique, creative and funny jokes. Especially on the TV show Report Pak. In this program, which airs on Trans 7, Andhika Pratama, who is one of the main hosts, often throws dirty words.

The sweet sentences that this handsome presenter continuously utters attract the attention of the public, and often even go viral on social media. These cheesy words in Andhika Pratama's Lapor Pak style are suitable for those of you who are PDKT with a crush . Or even for your current partner, because there are various Andhika Pratama style rags that can be used as a reference.

Come on, take a look at the 24 catchphrases in Andhika Pratama's Lapor Pak style, summarized by brilio.net from various sources on Friday (21/6).

The cheesy words in Report Pak are in the style of Andhika Pratama.

photo: Instagram/@andhiikapratama

1. "My commander gives permission, maybe later the BAP report will be written incorrectly. Because this is the first time we have interrogated an angel."

2. "If you look at social media and your face is immediately a bit different, isn't it? If you look directly at your face, it contains rock paper scissors, really sweet!"

3. "Can I follow you or not? Because my parents say I have to chase dreams."

4. "What are you, Dewa 19? You're so clever, it makes me miss (Dewa 19's song)."

5. "Looking at you is like buying ice cream, you haven't eaten it yet but it falls, so it's really a shame."

6. "If the motorbike taxi is usually far away the fare is different, but if you are far away the beauty is the same."

7. "You say you don't know, so you don't love? But the proof is that I don't know yet, dear."

8. "Do you want to ngabuburit or not? Ngabuburit actually means asking you to hurry up and leave."

9. "Don't ever come to Cilandak, because it makes it difficult to move on. Cilandak is an old love that comes suddenly."

10. "I only know one Thai word, Kapunkap which means whenever you ask me to marry you, I'm ready."

11. "You only made one mistake, you made me lose, I lost not knowing you in the first place."

Andhika Pratama's cheesy words in Report Sir.

photo: Instagram/@andhiikapratama

12. "Seeing your luggage is like seeing a police officer on the side of the road, your luggage makes you nervous."

13. "Would you like to trade bones with me? I'll be your backbone, you'll be my ribs."

14. "Assembling upstream and swimming to the shore, you might as well go to the headman and leave me here alone."

15. "Do you know what day is the most special? Tuesday, Tuesday in heaven next to you."

16. "Meet me Neil Armstrong, I was the first to land in your heart."

17. "If I became a model I couldn't afford it, because my weight would double, because I have you in my heart."

18. "We have to return to the law. Whoever commits violence, the sentence is life imprisonment. Both of me live."

19. "You are a typical girl who bothers you. Beautiful, sweet, bothers people's feelings."

Andhika Pratama's profile.

The owner of the real name Andhika Pratama Subagyo was born in Malang, East Java on November 11 1986. Andhika started his career in the entertainment industry when he was in high school. At that time he was the vocalist in a band that performed from cafe to cafe.

After graduating from high school, Andhika intended to continue his studies at an arts school but his parents did not approve. As a result, Andhika decided to study at STIE Malangkucecwara majoring in Accounting Economics.

Seeing Andhika's talent, the grandmother suggested that her grandson go to Jakarta to send photos and biodata to the production house and artist management. In fact, at that time the band brought by Andhika was receiving an offer to perform in Bali. Andhika finally gave up the offer and flew to Jakarta.

Luckily, Ussy Sulistiawaty's husband managed to make his acting debut in FTV entitled When Want to Pick Up and several other soap operas. His career continues to change from singer, advertising star, presenter, to comedian. His appearance often graces various television shows that are loved by the public, including the show Lapor Pak.

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