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13 Februari 2024 08:30

11 Hilarious portraits of the strange functions of motorbike luggage, I can't stop thinking about it, I'm shaking my head

Someone even made a fish pond in the trunk of their motorbike~ Muhamad Ikhlas Alfaridzi
11 Hilarious portraits of the strange functions of motorbike luggage, I can't stop thinking about it, I'm shaking my head

Brilio.net - The shapes of motorbikes are getting more and more varied. There are automatic motorbikes without gears, there are motorbikes with gears, there are also "men's" motorbikes which have engines with faster speeds. Some people also collect antique or old school motorbikes.

Generally, motorbikes have features namely trunk or dashboard. This part is located under the seat which divides the engine. The use of trunk is usually to store items that motorbike riders usually carry, such as rain coats, chamois, or simple workshop equipment.

The more we come here, the more motorbike luggage there is, the larger it is. As a result, this trunk is often used to store more items. But what happens if the trunk of this motorbike is instead used to store strange objects or instead changes its function to become a fish pond, storing harvested fruit and so on?

Like the following series of hilarious portraits . Collected by brilio.net from various sources on Monday (12/2), here are eleven hilarious portraits of the strange functions of motorbike luggage that you can't stop thinking about, you'll automatically shake your head.

1. When you're fishing, don't bring a container to catch. But don't put it in your motorbike trunk either. Who's still alive?

photo: 1cak.com

2. This fix is weird. Make a bed for a small child, please. Where is his mother and father?

photo: 1cak.com

3. This could be the trunk of a motorbike belonging to a salak farmer.

photo: 1cak.com

4. I'm going to work without having time for breakfast, so fill up on petrol first. That's roughly the plot of why there is a plate of rice in the trunk of this motorbike.

photo: Twitter/@Lveidea

5. The function of the trunk is what makes your auto motorbike smell fishy.

photo: Twitter/@cutecuaaan

6. If this is actually used to make ice. Oh my gosh, it's like there's no other place.

photo: Twitter/@isishaki

7. POV people are pinkin' but don't want to bother bringing a thermos of ice.

photo: Facebook/Citizen Activities Today

8. It's so big it can store 3 kg of gas, you know, guys.

photo: 1cak.com

9. Does the following drink taste like oil?

photo: Instagram/@anam_chenel

10. Once closed, the fish will automatically die.

photo: 1cak.com

11. It looks like this motorbike belongs to the ladies who want to be invited to the wedding party. But he went by motorbike.

photo: 1cak.com

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