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2 Februari 2024 18:45

100 simple wise words about life, philosophical and inspirational in meaning

The philosophical messages in these wise words often guide you to appreciate small moments. Muhamad Ikhlas Alfaridzi
100 simple wise words about life, philosophical and inspirational in meaning foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Life provides many lessons, from experiences to stories heard from other people. These lessons can also be in the form of wisdom, evaluation, and also motivation which will usually be combined into wise words about life .

Simple words of wisdom about life are short expressions that are full of philosophical, inspirational and motivational meaning to provide insight into life's journey.

These wise words often contain wisdom and deep understanding of the realities of life . In many cases, these wise words can even inspire enthusiasm for life and provide a new perspective on challenges and success.

Simple words of wisdom often summarize valuable lessons that can be drawn from everyday life experiences. With words that are short but full of meaning, these words are able to touch the heart and motivate someone to live life wisely.

The philosophical messages in these wise words often guide you to appreciate small moments, be grateful for what you have, and remain optimistic in the midst of trials.

So, to make your life wiser, let's look at the following series of wise words. Compiled by brilio.net from various sources on Friday (2/2) 100 simple wise words about life, their meaning is philosophical and inspirational.

Simple words of wisdom about life, full of motivation

1. "The simple things in life are indeed the most extraordinary, only wise people can understand them." - Paulo Coelho

2. "Poor is different from simple, because poor is a living condition while simple is a lifestyle." - Cak Lontong

3. "Be a generous person but don't be a wasteful person. Be a person who lives simply, but don't be a stingy person." - Ali bin Abi Talib

4. "Happiness is simple, when you can gather with your family, that is the greatest happiness." - BJ Habibie

5. "Life is very simple, but we are the ones who make life complicated." - Confucius

6. "When you are satisfied with your own simplicity and do not compare or compete with others, then everyone will respect you." - Lao Zu

7. "One of the secrets to finding happiness in life is to keep doing something simple." - Iris Murdoch

8. "I have three things to teach you, simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasure." - Lao Tzu

9. "If you think about it, life is actually simple. So don't think about it, so it won't be complicated and exciting." - Jerinx

10. "Simplicity is the basis of all morals and the main human virtue. Without simplicity, humans are no different from animals." - Napoleon Bonaparte

Simple words of wisdom about life, make you cool

11. "The most important thing is to enjoy your life, to be happy, no matter what happens." - Audrey Hepburn

12. "A good life is one inspired by love and guided by science." - Bertrand Russell

13. "Life is not about finding yourself, life is about making yourself." -George Bernard Shaw

14. "Our goal in life is to be happy." - Dalai Lama

15. "Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the foolish, a comedy for the rich, and a tragedy for the poor." - Sholom Aleichem

16. "The reality is, there is no knowing what will happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride and nothing is guaranteed." Eminem

17. "I have a simple philosophy: fill what's empty, empty what's too full." - Alice Roosevelt Longworth

18. "Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them because that only creates regret and sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally wherever they please." - Lao Tzu

19. "Life is a mirror and will reflect back to thinkers what they think." - Ernest Holmes

20. "You are only here for a short stopover. Don't rush, don't worry. Rest assured that you will breathe in the fragrance of flowers along the way." - Walter Hagen

21. "One of the best things in life is seeing the smile on your parents' faces, and realizing that you are the reason."

22. "Sometimes the sky can seem like a blank sheet. But it's not. Your stars are still there. The Earth is just spinning." - Dee Lestari

23. "Take bigger risks than others think is safe. Take more risks than others think is wise. Dream more than others think is reasonable." - Claude T. Bissell

24. "Weak people are incapable of forgiveness. Forgiveness is the mark of a strong person." - Mahatma Gandhi

25. "Never give up when you are still able to try again. There is no end until you stop trying." - Brian Dyson

26. "The only limit to achieving our dreams is our doubts about today. Let us move forward with active and strong faith." - Franklin Roosevelt

27. "Do not take for granted the things closest to your heart. Embrace them as they are as valuable as your life, for without them life is in vain - Chinese Proverb

28. "A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor can a person become successful without challenges." - Chinese Proverb

29. "Develop an attitude of always getting better. Making small differences in actions will make a big difference in results." - Brian Tracy

30. "The most basic and powerful way to connect with others is to listen. Just Listen. Perhaps the most important thing we can give others is our attention." - Rachel Naomi Remen

Simple words of wisdom about life, short and effective

31. "Tears taste salty because tears are the salt of life." - Buya Hamka

32. "One must take care of one's goodness. Because it is a good investment for life." - Suharto

33. "Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from experience, loyalty, and persistence." - Colin Powell

34. "Success is a journey, not a destination. The effort is often more important than the result." - Arthur Ashe

35. "Success and failure are both part of life. Both are only temporary." - Shahrukh Khan

36. "Opportunity is like a sunrise. If you wait for it too long, you will miss it." - William Arthur Ward

37. "We must find time to stop and thank the people who have made a difference in our lives." - John F. Kennedy

38. "Give value from the effort, not the results. Only then can we judge life." - Albert Einstein

39. "Live simply. Dream big. Be grateful. Give love. Laugh a lot." - Paulo Coelho

40. "Focus on where you are going, not on your fears." - Tony Robbins

Wise words about life from Middle Eastern philosophers

Simple words of wisdom about life

41. "Life is a journey, not a destination." - Jalaluddin Rumi

42. "Life is a mirror; if you smile, the mirror will smile back." - Mahatma Gandhi

43. "If you can't be a tall tree, be a steadfast bush." - Ali bin Abi Talib

44. "Life is a war that must be faced with courage and wisdom." - Ibn Khaldun

45. "Life is a test; the greater the test, the greater the lesson." - Ibn Taymiyyah

46. "Flowers growing on rocks are proof of the power of life." - Khalil Gibran

47. "When water flows, even small stones rumble." - Rumi

48. "In every difficulty, there is ease." - Al-Qur'an Surah Al-Inshirah

49. "Life is like a dream, and dreams are like life." - Ibn Arabi

50. "Don't be afraid to walk alone if it brings truth and justice." - Ali bin Abi Talib

51. "If you know yourself, then you will know your God." - Imam Ali

52. "Still waters wash away, rough waters destroy." - Saadi

53. "Life is a journey to wisdom." - Ibn Sina

54. "Live with devotion, and life will provide meaning." - Ibn Arabi

55. "It is not the strongest who survive, but the most responsive to change." - Ibn Khaldun

56. "Life is learning that never stops." - Ibn al-Qayyim

57. "Life is lessons from the past, actions in the present, and hopes for the future." - Ibn Khaldun

58. "When the door to happiness is locked, another one opens. However, we too often look at the closed door and forget to look at the open one." - Ali bin Abi Talib

59. "When you hold something tight, it's time to let it go." - Rumi

60. "Wisdom is a priceless treasure, and life is a quest to unearth that treasure." - Ibn Arabi

Wise words about life from East Asian philosophers

Simple words of wisdom about life

61. "Life is simple, but we make it complicated." -Confucius

62. "When you do good, do it without expecting anything in return." -Confucius

63. "A wise man learns more from stupid questions than from wise answers." -Confucius

64. "To know others is intelligence, but to know yourself is true wisdom." -Lao Tzu

65. "Life is a journey to be enjoyed, not a destination to be achieved." -Lao Tzu

66. "The deepest waters flow calmly; true wisdom comes from the depths of the heart." -Lao Tzu

67. "Be like a rock that remains firm amidst the current of the river of life." - Ninomiya Sontoku

68. "When you work diligently, you not only create happiness for yourself, but also for others." - Ninomiya Sontoku

69. "Life is like a passing shadow; don't get too attached, but enjoy its beauty." -Dogen

70. "Zen is not something that can be explained, but must be lived."

71. "Education is the key to opening the golden doors of freedom." -Confucius

72. "Many people understand life, but only a few are able to live it." -Confucius

73. "When you let go of the old, you make room for the new to come." -Lao Tzu

74. "Gentleness and patience are stronger than violence and anger." -Lao Tzu

75. "When you give, you also receive; the goodness given will return by itself." - Ninomiya Sontoku

76. "Every step you take is where you stand; every breath you take is a sign of your life." -Dogen

77. "Do not do to others what you would not do to yourself." -Confucius

78. "Education without character creates only intelligence, but not wisdom." -Confucius

79. "In silence, we find wisdom; in imperfection, we find beauty." -Lao Tzu

80. "Don't just look at the mountaintop; enjoy the long climb." - Ninomiya Sontoku

Wise words about life according to Javanese philosophy

Simple words of wisdom about life

81. "Like the wind that passes through nature, life comes and goes, but its traces will always be remembered."

82. "In darkness, there is light; in adversity, there is wisdom."

83. "Be simple like flowing water, can overcome all obstacles with gentleness."

84. "When we give, our hearts become richer than our giving hands."

85. "Like a sturdy tree, a good life begins from the roots of wisdom."

86. "Wise is a person who is able to understand himself before understanding others."

87. "In every stepping stone, there is a valuable lesson to be learned."

88. "Flowers that bloom in the rainy season teach us about resilience and beauty in limitations."

89. "Realizing one's shortcomings is the first step to perfection."

90. "In uncertainty, we find the ever-changing magic of life."

91. "Life is a journey to inner peace; plant seeds of goodness along the way."

92. "When we give, we not only give to others, but also to ourselves."

93. "Appreciating traditional values teaches us about the wisdom of our ancestors."

94. "Like the wind through the forest, life gives messages through its gentle whispers."

95. "Maintaining a good relationship with nature is the key to a harmonious life."

96. "Like a bird that flies freely, happiness comes from a free heart."

97. "In peace of mind, we find the true riches of life."

98. "If we want to reach the top of the mountain, we must pass through the deep valley."

99. "Maintaining a balance between karma and dharma brings harmony in life."

100. "In every wave of life, we can find opportunities to learn and grow."

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