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29 Agustus 2024 20:47

10 Examples of persuasive speeches and their structures

Understanding the proper structure and structure of a persuasive speech is very important. Brilio.net
10 Examples of persuasive speeches and their structures

10 Examples of Persuasive Speeches and Their Structures: A Complete Guide
If you are looking for inspiration to create an interesting and convincing speech, this article will provide 10 examples of persuasive speeches along with their structures. Persuasive speeches aim to influence listeners to agree with a view or take a certain action. Therefore, understanding the structure and arrangement of a persuasive speech properly is very important.

1. Example of a persuasive speech about maintaining environmental cleanliness

Good morning, distinguished guests. We all want a clean and healthy environment, but in reality there is still a lot of garbage scattered around us.
A clean environment can reduce the risk of disease and improve our quality of life. Let's start from ourselves by throwing trash in its place and reducing the use of single-use plastic.
The environment is our home. Let's keep it clean from now on!

2. Example of a persuasive speech about the importance of character education

Good morning everyone. Character education is no less important than academic education.
Character education shapes a person's personality and ethics, which will greatly influence their life in the future.
Let's support character education in our schools.

3. Example of a persuasive speech about the dangers of smoking

Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Today, I would like to discuss the dangers of smoking.
Smoking can cause various serious diseases, such as lung cancer and heart disease. Many people have lost their lives because of this bad habit.
Let's stop smoking for the health of ourselves and those around us.

4. Example of a persuasive speech about the importance of regular exercise

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Regular exercise is one of the best ways to maintain health.
By exercising, we can increase endurance, reduce stress, and prevent various diseases.
Let's make exercise a part of our healthy lifestyle.

5. Example of a persuasive speech about reducing plastic use

Good morning everyone. We all know how big the negative impact of plastic waste is on the environment.
Plastic takes hundreds of years to decompose, and many marine animals die from ingesting plastic.
Let's reduce the use of single-use plastic and switch to more environmentally friendly materials.

6. Example of a persuasive speech about blood donation as a noble act

Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Donating blood is a simple act but has a big impact.
One bag of blood can save up to three lives. In addition, blood donation is also beneficial for the donor's health.
Let's donate our blood regularly to help others.

7. Example of a persuasive speech about the use of renewable energy

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Renewable energy is the future.
The use of renewable energy such as solar and wind can reduce dependence on environmentally damaging fossil fuels.
Let's support the use of renewable energy for the sake of preserving the earth.

8. Example of a persuasive speech about the importance of reading books

Good morning everyone. Books are the windows to the world, and reading is the key.
By reading books, we can increase our insight, enrich our knowledge, and increase our creativity.
Let's get used to reading books every day to broaden our horizons.

9. Example of a persuasive speech about good waste management

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Good waste management is very important for environmental sustainability.
By sorting organic and non-organic waste, we can reduce the volume of waste that must be disposed of in landfills.
Let's manage waste properly starting from our own homes.

10. Example of a persuasive speech about preventing bullying at school

Good morning everyone. Bullying in schools is still a serious problem that we must face together.
Bullying not only damages the victim's mental health, but also creates an unsafe environment for all students.
Let's create a school that is friendly and free from bullying.

Persuasive speech structure
Every persuasive speech consists of three main parts:
1. Opening: This section aims to grab the listener's attention, introduce the topic, and create an emotional connection.
2. Content: Here, the author provides arguments, facts, and reasons that support the view or invitation.
3. Closing: This section concludes the speech and provides an invitation or call to action for the audience.
By using this structure, persuasive speech will be more effective and easier for the audience to understand.

Here are 10 examples of persuasive speeches and their structures that can be used as references. Using the right structure will help convey the message more clearly and convincingly. Let's keep practicing making interesting speeches so that we can influence others more effectively!

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