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16 November 2022 11:01

The Way to Eat This or That spicy Korean ramen, the spicier the better

The three ramen have different levels of spiciness and taste, but they both make you addicted. Brilio.net

Hello Brilio Friends,

This or That Food Street invites you to write a review and choose which food turns out to be your favorite . For spicy fans, you really have to watch this episode.

The BrilioFood team will compare three types of "Korean spicy ramen". Each has a different level of spiciness and taste, but what is certain is that both are spicy and make you addicted .

To make it more interesting and match the theme, hosts Raz and Roy will cook their own ramen, you know. Are you curious about how exciting it is and what the spicy sensation is like?

Instead of being curious, let's just watch the following video.

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