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22 Agustus 2023 15:01

Jalan Makan RM Cut Nyak, really delicious authentic taste of Aceh

This restaurant is never empty of residents and employees. Brilio.net

Hi SoBri,

You may have often encountered Padang, Betawi or Sundanese restaurants in Jakarta. But did you know that there are restaurants that sell various typical Acehnese side dishes in Jakarta?

It's called the Cut Nyak restaurant. Located in Bendungan Hilir, this restaurant is never empty of people and employees who work around Benhil for lunch. Raz and Roy arrived on time, because not long after their arrival, the side dishes ran out.

Even though it only serves a simple side dish menu, who would have thought that the taste is truly authentic from Aceh and will definitely pamper the taste buds.

Are you curious about the taste, menu and prices of Cut Nyak restaurant? Instead of being curious, let's just watch the full video.

brl/Alisha Shadrina

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