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27 April 2022 10:02

Jalan Makan Bakmie Sentosa 168, halal noodles with lots of toppings

The filling is abundant, don't be half-hearted. Brilio.net
Jalan Makan Bakmie Sentosa 168, halal noodles with lots of toppings brilio.net

Hello Brilio Friends,

Back on Eat Street . This episode, BrilioFood will take you to The Lapan Square area, Pondok Aren, South Tangerang. So, there is a restaurant here that serves various noodle dishes , its name is Bakmie Sentosa 168.

There is one menu called prosperous noodles, which has super large portions accompanied by lots of toppings. The toppings include boiled chicken, soy sauce chicken, liver and gizzards, boiled meatballs, fried meatballs and fried dumplings. You can also choose the type of noodles you want, there are rubber, curly and smooth noodles.

It's not just that one menu that is interesting, there are still many other dishes that you can choose from, you know. Of course, all the menus will make you automatically hungry instantly, here. Before coming here, it's better if you first check the following video from BrilioFood .

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