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28 September 2021 17:17

Abdi Dalem sells kere satay using Javanese gending, 60 portions sell out a day

Using clothes and Javanese musical accompaniment is Mbah Widyo's trademark to attract customers Daniel Febriawan

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Every culinary business person always has their own way of attracting customers. Mbah Widyo also does this when selling his wares. The 68-year-old man goes around selling kere satay accompanied by Javanese gending. Starting at 10.00 - 15.00 WIB, go around Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta.

The kere satay he sells is different from the ones usually sold in Yogyakarta. Instead of using meat, Mbah Widyo's kere satay is made from gembus. Apart from his unique way of selling, a complete portion of Mbah Widyo's kere satay is guaranteed to make you full. The price is very affordable, he can sell dozens of portions a day.

If you're curious about what the unique food prepared in this place is like, let's watch the full video!

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