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3 April 2017 12:15

Why Do We Spend So Much Time Arguing On Social Media?

Stop spending so much time berating people you don't know, and focus on those you do. Petra Hapsari
Why Do We Spend So Much Time Arguing On Social Media? Image: Kaspars Grinvalds/Shutterstock, Inc.

Its almost impossible for me to check my social media accounts without finding at least two people arguing or fightingover many things starting from religious to political stuffs.

What makes it funny is that they lose their temper (and even manner) just because they're arguingwith someone they dont even know personally.

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Meanwhile, I was shocked by the news of Official Candys Group, a child porn Facebook page with 7,479 members who actively share pictures and videos of their innocent victims.

There might be more than 10,000 kids that have been abused since we know those members had tokeep on sharing photos or videos of different kids in order to retain their membership.

I feel so bad for those kids and I personally do not really know how such thing can happen to them. I dont know them in person and I dont know what their family situation is that makes predators get the chance to abuse them.

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But the news reminds me of people I know who can relate to this.

I know a father who rarely interacts with his daughters but has plenty of times to argue with others over religious or political things on Facebook. I also know a mother who spends most of her time in front of her mobile screen arguing with strangers on social media while her skinny kid was playing alone.

Haveyou wondered how those kids feel to grow up in such situation? Not something you want to experience, that's all I can say.

Lets open our eyes! Why would we let our inner-peace get disturbed by online strangers people who we dont even know in real life? Why dont we invest more of our time to watch over our loved ones? To watch them grow and love each other?

Its not just for our kids, but also our families, sisters, brothers, friends and everyone around us. They are more important than those who we dont even know. They need our attention more than those likes, comments, or postings about whether Trump's hair is real.

I am not talking to those who dont have enough becausethey are working for food to give to their family and children. I appreciate their hard work.

I am talking to those who spend most of their time for social media more than for their kids and their loved ones.

What I am trying to say is lets not just focus on things that annoy us online. There are still many things which are more real and more worthy to give our attention to.

As a human, I think it is normal if we disagree with others or things we see online, but it is not normal to neglect people and things around us for things that we find on social media.

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