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31 Maret 2017 15:31

Who Deserves To Be Called ‘Pribumi’?

We have to look back at where we came from before pointing fingers at 'the others’. Brilio.net
Who Deserves To Be Called ‘Pribumi’?

by Asep Kambali

Indonesia is 72 years oldthis year. The country has been through a lot but it is still standing tall. But lately, our nationalism is being tested with various problems.

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The low awareness of history have made people misunderstand Pancasila and the Constitutions notion of the nations unity.

The nation sees an increasing negative sentiment among its citizens, between those who feel that theyre the real or indigenous people of Indonesia and those who they think are not.

Its no longer a political battle of regional elections. Its a proof that this nation has a historical amnesia.

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I see that theres a systematic effort that wants to cover or even manipulate our history, making our youth forget about what the country went through before and making them susceptible to another divide et impera plot.

As we dont know our history, we just follow the wave of opinions surrounding us. We follow them not because we understand whats going on, but because we have nothing to stand for.

People talk about pribumi and non-pribumi as if they forget that Indonesias independence is fought by not only those who scream Allahu Akbar! but also by Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, and those of other beliefs.

They sacrificed their money, thought, blood, tears and even lives to build the country not because of their faiths but because all of them agreed to refuse the colonialization and other nations greed over our lands and people.

They agreed to build a nation based on Pancasila and 1945 Constitution.

They agreed that those who fought against colonization are the legitimate owners of this country.

They agreed that those who live, stay, breed and make a living in Indonesia and for Indonesia are pribumi no matter what.

They agreed that no matter what beliefs people hold and what color their skins are, they all have the same rights and responsibility to take care of Indonesia.

Im a Muslim and of Betawi-Sundanese descent, but this does not make me more pribumi than other people of different backgrounds.

I understand that people of different backgrounds have been creating history together. Even all legally recognized religions are not originated in this land. Hindu and Buddhism came in early centuries,

Confuciunism came around the 5th century, Islam came around the 12th century, Catholic came around the 17th century and Christianity came around the 17th century. Local people were worshipping animals and their ancestors spirits before those religions came in.

No one is original. No group is original. We are all products of long acculturation process. All of our culture clothes, traditions, customs, ideas, arts and languages are imported from other continents that mixed together and in the end made us who we are right now.

No one is original enough to tell the other is non-pribumi. For all I know, we are all pribumi. We are all the legitimate owners of this country.

Now, can we all stop debating who's 'pribumi' and who's not?

Asep Kambali is the founder and president of Indonesian Historia Community. He holds a degree in history and communication and currently teaches in The London School of Public Relations.

The views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect Brilio's.

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