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30 Mei 2017 10:00

9 Photos To Commemorate 2006 Yogyakarta Earthquake

It's been eleven years, but we'll never forget that day. Tunggul Kumoro
9 Photos To Commemorate 2006 Yogyakarta Earthquake © Twitter/@Bedypetrucci

On May 27, 2006, a 6.2 magnitude earthquake, centered inBantulhitYogyakarta, causing the death of thousands of people.

Although relatively short, the 57 seconds quake thatoccurredjust after 5.53 a.m. damaged and leveled hundreds of buildings.

BantulRegional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) recorded 4,143 people were killed inBantul, with a total of 71,763 collapsed houses, while 71,372 and 66,359 others were severely and lightly damaged, respectively. A total death toll fromYogyakartaand Southern part of Central Java, as inKlatenreached 5,782 where 26,299 people suffered injuries and 390,077 houses destroyed.

To commemorate the disaster, severalnetizenstook to twitter to post photos and videos under the #11thGempaJogja. Here are some of them.

1. Then and now photos

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