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1 Juli 2024 18:45

This woman from Solo once rejected Sri Sultan Hamengku IX's proposal, here are 11 charming portraits of her

Not only Sri Sultan Hamengku IX, this woman from Solo was proposed to several times by national figures. Muhammad Rizki Yusrial
foto: Instagram/@Lokraofficieel

Indonesia has long produced many female figures. Apart from Kartini, a name that is no less popular is Gusti Noeroel, one of the Mangkunegaran Temples from KGPAA Mangkoenagoro. This woman who has a beautiful face has the full name Gusti Raden Ayu Siti Noeroel Kamaril Ngasarati Kusumawardhani.

In her time, she was a princess who had a progressive mind. This is in contrast to his life in the temple which is full of service from courtiers. As a princess, her days were always filled with the sounds of klenengan and gamelan. However, Gusti Noeroel did not refuse listening to western songs, riding horses and playing tennis. This also shows that he is a modern person.

Because of his intelligence, Gusti Noeroel is loved by many men. In the book entitled "Gusti Noeroel: Streven Naar Geluk (Pursuing Happiness)" it is stated that he was proposed to several times by national figures. One of them is Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX.

At that time, Gusti Noeroel was called by his father to discuss something. It turned out that at that time a messenger from Hamengku Buwono IX had arrived from Yogyakarta who asked how he was doing. Not only that, his aim was of course to ask for Gusti Noeroel as his wife. Then, Gusti Noeroel was surprised by his father's statement.

Initially, she thought that becoming the sultan's consort was not an easy matter. There is a lot of responsibility in that position. However, of course many women dream of this position. However, this actually became a consideration for Gusti Noeroel.

He also remembered the face of the mother he thought had suffered. Every day, his face always showed a sad expression. His mother, who was a princess of the Yogyakarta palace, had been married to a Solo nobleman who had another woman besides himself. Because of this, Gusti Noeroel often received messages not to marry him.

Finally he dared to raise his face and look at his father. Gusti Noeroel expressed her objection to becoming the wife of Hamengku Buwono IX. Thankfully his father understood and fulfilled Gusti Noeroel's request.

Sri Sultan HB IX was also a figure who had a big heart. Even though he was rejected by Gusti Noeroel, he still maintained a good relationship with Gusti Noeroel's family. Once, they met face to face and the Sultan insisted on knowing the reason why he was rejected. Gusti Noeroel then answered that he really couldn't sleep because he was being married to him. Hearing that answer, the Sultan only smiled.

So what is Gusti Noeroel's portrait like that has succeeded in capturing the hearts of national figures? The following is a portrait as reported by brilio.net from various sources, Monday (1/7).

foto: Instagram/@Javaunique

1. Like Javanese royal princesses in general, Gusti Noeroel's appearance is always wearing cloth, kebaya, and curled hair.

foto: Instagram/@Lokraofficieel

2. When he lived, being married was a very normal thing in his environment.

foto: Instagram/@goto.gotogether

3. However, Gusti Noeroel has a very strong determination to want to be the only wife for his future partner.

foto: Instagram/@Oldies_in_color

4. Her charming appearance and intelligence have made her attractive to various men. Not only Sri Sultan HB IX, there was also GPH Djatikusumo, who was the commander in chief at that time.

foto: Instagram/@Potolawas

5. After that, another figure tried to approach him, this time he was not from the Javanese tribe. Who would have thought that Sutan Sjahrir had also tried to propose to her. It's a shame their relationship couldn't continue. It's not because Sjahrir already has a wife, it's a matter of political orientation. Sjahrir was a figure from the Indonesian Socialist Party, who could not possibly marry the daughter of a feudal aristocrat.

foto: Instagram/@Rumisiddharta

6. Bung Karno was also included in the long list of men who were attracted to Gusti Noeroel. However, he admitted that he had never heard this statement directly from the revolutionary figure. Gusti Noeroel actually heard from his wife Mrs. Hartini who said that Bung Karno only admired him.

foto: Facebook/@Indonesia Tempo Doeloe

7. After being approached by many men, Gusti Noeroel's heart finally fell in love with a man named RM Soejarsoejarso Soerjosoerarso. The man was a widower with one child. They married on March 24, 1954.

foto: Instagram/@Potolawasofficial

8. Gusti Noeroel admitted that when he met his husband, there was an unusual feeling of excitement which was later called love.

foto: Instagram/@Irawangregorius

9. From this marriage he was blessed with seven children.

foto: Instagram/@Irawangregorius

10. Gusti Noeroel said that her husband was a devout Muslim. She often saw her husband inviting his children to pray. That's why the national figure's dream woman admitted that she was lucky to have a husband, Mas Jarso.

foto: Instagram/@Oldies_in_color

11. Gusti Noeroel died Tuesday 11 November 2015 at the age of 94 years. His body was buried in Solo.

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