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22 Desember 2015 13:00

Star Wars on TIME Magazine cover through the years

Star Wars ‘relationship’ with TIME magazine is rooted since 1980s Tunggul Kumoro
Star Wars on TIME Magazine cover through the years © TIME Magazine

Ahead of the release of Star Wars: Episode VII, several media in the world are found to create a related content to the movie. The Star Wars is considered as a big franchise since 1977 making the discussion from each media could be unlimited.

Beginning its first publication in 1932, TIME magazine is one of the media that have followed the Star Wars movies since the very first episode where they immortalized it as their cover magazine.

To welcome the latest Star Wars movie which soon would be released, brilio.net/en is going to present you the covers of TIME magazine through years making the Star Wars as the main focus. Check the photos below.

December 2015 – For the latest edition, TIME picks BB-8 and R2-D2 as the cover of the magazine.

© TIME Magazine

December 2015 – For the latest edition, TIME picks BB-8 and R2-D2 as the cover of the magazine.

May 2006 – For the episode Revenge of the Sith, TIME decides to put Darth Vader in the cover since the movie also tells the rise of Dark Lord.

© TIME Magazine

May 2006 – For the episode Revenge of the Sith, TIME decides to put Darth Vader in the cover since the movie also tells the rise of Dark Lord.

© TIME Magazine

April 2002 – TIME magazine picks Master Yoda to welcome the release of Attack of the Clones.

© TIME Magazine

May 1999 – Darth Maul appears in the cover of TIME for the episode The Phantom Menace. The cover emerges some speculation, because this is this the first appearance of the Sith’s apprentice on the movie.

© TIME Magazine

April 1999 – Still for The Phantom Menace episode, the cover shows Qui Gon Jinn, Obi Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker this time.

© TIME Magazine

March 1999 – Even when there is no Star Wars movie released, TIME makes a special weekly theme to embrace the Star Wars prequel trilogy.

© TIME Magazine

February 1997 – This cover is also a special edition for the Star Wars prequel trilogy.

© TIME Magazine

May 1983 – The cover is for the third episode of the original Star Wars trilogy, Return of the Jedi, showing George Lucas surrounded by the characters he made.

© TIME Magazine

May 1980 – The first time Star Wars appears on the Time Magazine and Darth Vader is the luckiest one for becoming the cover.

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