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27 Agustus 2024 15:00

With just 1 kitchen ingredient, here's how to clean food stains on the stove or table to make it shiny.

The prices of specialty cleaning products are usually less pocket-friendly. Shahfara Raida
With just 1 kitchen ingredient, here's how to clean food stains on the stove or table to make it shiny. YouTube/Ama Bersih Channel

After cooking, the kitchen sometimes becomes super dirty. For example, in the stove area, kitchen table, and others can be splashed with oil or other food ingredients. If not cleaned immediately, all the food stains can be stubborn and cause the kitchen to smell, you know.

In the market, there are indeed many special cleaning products for the kitchen . However, the price of such special products is usually less pocket-friendly. This was also explained by the TikTok account user @rumah.ibu0.

She admitted that in the past, she still routinely bought special kitchen cleaning products. However, now she doesn't need to buy them anymore because she has a reliable way to clean food stains on the stove or kitchen table. After investigating, she only needs one kitchen ingredient to practice this method. "But after using this method, I'm much more economical and don't need to buy that liquid anymore," she said, quoted by BrilioFood from TikTok @rumah.ibu0 on Monday (8/26).


She admitted that in the past, she still routinely bought special kitchen cleaning products. However, now she doesn't need to buy them anymore because she has a reliable way to clean food stains on the stove or kitchen table. After investigating, she only needs one kitchen ingredient to practice this method. "But after using this method, I'm much more economical and don't need to buy that liquid anymore," she said, quoted by BrilioFood from TikTok @rumah.ibu0 on Monday (8/26).

For those of you who are interested in trying the trick at home, first prepare 1 spray bottle. Then, put enough dishwashing soap into the bottle. Yup, dishwashing soap is the main ingredient for making this kitchen cleaning concoction. Next, add a lot of clean water. The ratio of dishwashing soap to water is 1:7. After that, close the spray bottle and shake it so that the soap mixes well with the water.


For those of you who are interested in trying the trick at home, first prepare 1 spray bottle. Then, put enough dishwashing soap into the bottle. Yup, dishwashing soap is the main ingredient for making this kitchen cleaning concoction. Next, add a lot of clean water. The ratio of dishwashing soap to water is 1:7. After that, close the spray bottle and shake it so that the soap mixes well with the water.


Spray the cleaning mixture directly onto the dirty kitchen area. You can spray it on the stovetop, ceramics, tables, chairs, and other areas. In fact, you can also remove stains other than food with this mixture. "Even pencil marks on the wall can be removed," added the owner of the TikTok account @rumah.ibu0. After applying, rub the area that has been sprayed with the cleaning mixture using a cloth or tissue until it is dry and shiny.

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