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20 Juli 2024 15:30

Tricks for caring for a meat blender so that the blade stays sharp and doesn't smell fishy, making it last longer

Continuous use of a meat blender can make the knife dull. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
foto: Instagram/@mikapratisha

Using a blender in the kitchen can always make the cooking process easier. How could it not be, this tool can help puree various things such as fruit, vegetables, spices, and even tough meat can be mashed using a blender quickly.

Among the various types, there is a type of blender that is specifically designed to puree meat or tough food ingredients. Usually these blenders are designed with larger tubes or glasses and sharper blades. That way, the meat can be cut more finely.

If you have this type of blender at home, make sure you take good care of it, OK? The reason is, using a meat blender continuously can make the knife become dull. Apart from that, the blender jar or glass can also smell fishy if it is not cleaned thoroughly. So, if the knife is dull and the jug smells fishy, of course the blender will quickly become damaged and won't be suitable for use.

So to prevent this, you can copy tricks for caring for a meat blender like Instagram user @mikapratisha does. Through one of the videos he uploaded, the account owner admitted that he had his own way of cleaning the blender from traces of meat so it doesn't get fishy, while also keeping the blender knife sharp.


Reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @mikapratisha on Saturday (19/7), the first thing to do after using a blender is to remove any remaining meat that is stuck to it. To do this, pour hot water and dish soap into the blender jug. Then blend or puree until the water is foamy.


When it is foamy, open the blender and throw away the water mixed with the remaining meat. Only then rinse and scrub as usual with a sponge. Well, this method will make it easier to remove the remaining meat when washing it, so that the blender jug doesn't smell fishy. So, after washing it thoroughly, dry the blender with a cloth. You can also drain it until the blender is completely dry and there is no remaining water attached to it. Only then move on to the stage of sharpening the blender


To sharpen a blender, you just need to prepare egg shells that have been boiled and dried. Then put it in a glass or blender jar. If so, blend or puree until the egg shells are smooth. Basically, these egg shells work to sharpen blender knives. When the blender knife rubs continuously against the egg shell, the surface will slowly erode and become sharper. Therefore, when it has been pureed, open the blender lid and remove the egg shells.


Instead of throwing them away, you can use the egg shells to fertilize plants. To do this, simply sprinkle the eggshell powder on the plants at home as a pest repellent. Basically, egg shells can help repel snail pests and are a natural fertilizer to fertilize plants.

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