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28 Juli 2024 08:31

The trick to removing dried oil stains on clothes is just to use 2 additional kitchen ingredients, once I check it, it automatically shines

In addition to making it shiny, these ingredients also do not make the color of the clothes fade, you know. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
foto: Instagram/@rumah_shahia

Oil stains on clothes are often a big challenge for many people, especially if the stain is already dry. The reason is, oil is an oily substance that easily seeps into fabric fibers, making it difficult to remove if just washed as usual. Now, when the oil dries, this stain binds more tightly to the fabric fibers. This makes the stain remain and is more difficult to remove.

However, these oil stains not only damage the appearance of the clothes, but can also leave an unpleasant odor. For this reason, many people are usually reluctant to wear clothes that are already stained with oil, because they are considered unfit to wear. Clothes that were still good were just thrown away because they had stubborn oil stains .

In fact, if you know the trick, even dry oil stains can be gone in one swipe, you know. An Instagram user @rumah_shahia once shared a simple trick to remove dried oil stains on clothes. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he relied on simple ingredients found at home and in the kitchen.

Reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @rumah_shahia on Sunday (28/7), the ingredients in question are detergent and toothpaste. Apart from that, he also uses additional kitchen ingredients, namely vinegar and dish soap. So, a number of these ingredients will be mixed and will be effective in removing oil stains on clothes.


To use it, simply place the oil stained clothes in a bucket or basin. Position the stained area of the shirt at the top. After that, drop vinegar on the oil stain and let it sit for 10 minutes. While waiting for the vinegar to soak into the fabric fibers, prepare a small container first. If so, add enough toothpaste, dish soap and detergent powder. Stir until smooth and forms a slightly dense paste.


Next, apply this cleaning agent directly to the oil stain on the clothes evenly. If so, douse the clothes with boiling water and soak for 1 hour. This process will make the oil content in the oil disappear by itself.


If it's been 1 hour, the oil stain on the clothes will look faded. So, for maximum results, rub the area briefly to remove the marks. If the stain is very stubborn, you can scrub it with a brush. This will make the oil stain disappear completely.


The final step, don't forget to rinse the clothes under running water until there is no soap residue attached. Only then dry it in the sun until it dries. Well, clothes that were previously full of oil stains are clean again, you know. Apart from making it shine, these ingredients also don't make the color of clothes fade, you know. So it is safe to use on any colored clothes.

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