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1 September 2024 14:30

Just add 1 kitchen ingredient, this is how to clean pen marks from the sofa so that it dries quickly without drying it in the sun.

Stains disappear without damaging the sofa fibers~ Annathiqotul Laduniyah
Just add 1 kitchen ingredient, this is how to clean pen marks from the sofa so that it dries quickly without drying it in the sun. foto: Instagram/@mamranny

Having a clean and tidy sofa is everyone's dream, but often the reality is not as beautiful as expectations. One common problem that sofa owners often experience is the presence of various stains. Starting from food stains, drink spills, or even pen marks that are difficult to remove.

Although it seems trivial, these scribbles can ruin the appearance of the sofa and make it look dirty and unkempt. However, cleaning these pen scribbles is often a challenge for many people. Not without reason, pen ink contains strong pigments that are easily absorbed into the fibers of the sofa fabric. When the ink penetrates the surface of the sofa, especially if the material is porous or made of fabric, it will spread and stick firmly.

This certainly makes the cleaning process have to be more extra. If not, the cleaning process can actually strengthen the stain. Rubbing the stain hard, for example, will actually spread the ink deeper into the fabric fibers. Therefore, it is important to understand the right way to handle pen marks on the sofa so that the stain can be removed without damaging the sofa material itself.

Luckily, an Instagram user @mamranny once shared a special trick in cleaning pen marks on the sofa . Through one of the videos uploaded, she admitted to only using simple ingredients found at home. Well, one of them comes from the kitchen.

As reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @mamranny on Sunday (1/9), the kitchen ingredient in question is dishwashing soap. In addition, it also utilizes liquid detergent that has high cleaning power. Both of these mixtures can help remove stains without damaging the fabric fibers on the sofa. Not only that, this method is also very practical because you don't have to bother drying the sofa.

Well, the method is quite easy. Mix dish soap and liquid detergent first. After that, apply it directly to the part of the sofa that has pen stains. Once applied, let it sit for 30 minutes so that the soap can soak into the fabric fibers.


Well, the method is quite easy. Mix dish soap and liquid detergent first. After that, apply it directly to the part of the sofa that has pen stains. Once applied, let it sit for 30 minutes so that the soap can soak into the fabric fibers.


Next, scrub the sofa that has been scratched with a pen using an old toothbrush. Because the soap has been absorbed, the pen stain will be easily removed from the sofa. Do this process until the pen stain is completely gone.


Then, prepare a cloth that has been dampened with water. Then wipe the surface of the sofa using the damp cloth. If so, continue wiping using a dry cloth to absorb the remaining water and soap that is still stuck to the sofa. That way, the sofa is clean again.


However, if you want it to be drier, you can air the sofa using a fan. Or you can also dry it using a hair dryer if you have one. Because the surface is not too wet, the sofa can dry quickly without having to be dried in the sun again. How about it? Easy enough, right? You can imitate the trick to cleaning the sofa from pen marks at home. In addition to being practical and fast, this method is also easy to practice because the cleaning materials needed are also easy to get.

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