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19 Juni 2024 17:45

Feels like sleeping in a princess castle, these 11 portraits of Jessica Mila's baby room are beautiful in pastel shades

The design and decoration are carefully chosen for the comfort of your little one. Syeny Wulandari

Since being born in March 2024, the little daughter of Jessica Mila and Yakup Hasibuan has successfully attracted the public's attention. How could it not be, the little one named Kyarra Arunika Hasibuan is really adorable. Baby Kyarra's various things are even more interesting to learn about, considering that Kyarra's father and mother are not just random people.

Not only amazed by the figure of Jessica Mila's daughter. Not long ago, netizens were amazed by the luxurious appearance of baby Kyarra's bedroom uploaded by her mother. The room was considered very 'princess', because the decoration was all pink and had cute pictures like in a fairy tale.

"Gosh, the room is really a princess," said @krsti2539.

"The room is very beautiful little princess kyarra," commented @sryani_wijiawaty.

This can be seen from the choice of several minimalist but aesthetic pieces of furniture. Coupled with pastel colors which make the appearance of this baby's room even sweeter. Not to mention Kyarra's wardrobe which is filled with beautiful princess-style clothes.

Are you curious about what it looks like? Come on, take a peek at the portrait of Jessica Mila's baby room which was summarized by brilio.net from Instagram @jscmila, Wednesday (19/6).


Even though she is still a baby, baby Kyarra already has a luxurious room and complete facilities.


The walls have wallpaper depicting unicorns and a merry-go-round like in a fairy tale.


This little one's room looks spacious and is equipped with a baby crib, sofa and rocking horse, all of which are white.


Kyarra baby cots are equipped with curtains to protect against mosquitoes and insects, ensuring the baby's comfort and safety while sleeping.


In the corner of the room, there is a cactus-shaped shelf filled with cute dolls.


This shelf is not only functional, but also adds to the aesthetics of the room.


The cupboard is not completely made of wood, but has a touch of blurred glass. The type of glass chosen makes the contents of the cupboard visible from the outside.


Even though she is only three months old, Jessica Mila's daughter has more than 10 beautiful dresses, you know!


Meanwhile, the contents of one of the baby dresser drawers are Kyarra's shoes, which are also quite a lot.


Every detail of the decoration was carefully chosen to provide the best for Kyarra.


Jessica Mila often sits and relaxes on the thick white sofa and looks comfortable when spending time with her children.

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