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29 Juli 2024 16:25

Carrying a unique concept in the style of a tennis match, these are 9 gender reveal moments for Gritte Agatha's first child

Gritte Agatha previously admitted that she did not know the gender of her baby. Ferra Listianti

After announcing her first pregnancy, Gritte Agatha now brings happy news by sharing a gender reveal moment. Recorded on their Instagram page, it appears that this celebratory moment was very lively with a theme related to their second hobby, tennis.

Before the event started, family and close friends who attended were given pink and blue wrist bands. Then, Gritte Agatha's husband, Arif Hidayat, announced the gender of his future baby by swatting a tennis ball as if he were competing on the field.

Gritte Agatha, who previously did not know the gender of her baby, looks happy. Not much different from Arif, who is so happy and can't wait for the birth of his baby.

The following brilio.net summarizes from various sources on Monday (29/7), Gritte Agatha's gender reveal moment .

foto: Instagram/@gritteagathaa

Friends and close friends who attended were given pink and blue wrist bands.

foto: Instagram/@gritteagathaa

It can be seen that Gisel and Gempi were also present to enliven the event. Gisel chose a pink wrist band, while Gempi preferred a blue wrist band.

foto: Instagram/@gritteagathaa

Before the event started, Gritte Agatha and her husband expressed their thanks to the friends and family who attended.

foto: Instagram/@gritteagathaa

This is the moment Arif Hidayat hits a tennis ball to find out the gender of his future baby.

foto: Instagram/@gritteagathaa

Close friends and family present looked tense. Until finally, it was revealed that the gender of the child Gritte Agatha was carrying was a girl.

foto: Instagram/@gritteagathaa

Gritte Agatha, who previously did not know the gender of her baby, looks happy.

foto: Instagram/@gritteagathaa

"It's also exciting. But whatever gender, the most important thing is to be happy and healthy," said Gritte Agatha accompanying her upload.

foto: Instagram/@gritteagathaa

Not much different from Arif, who is so happy and can't wait for the birth of his baby.

foto: Instagram/@gritteagathaa

The family and close friends who were present were also immersed in the happiness of Gritte Agatha's gender reveal celebration.

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