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12 September 2024 13:31

Can't wait to get back on stage, 6 latest portraits of Ruri Repvblik after a week of treatment due to an accident

Ruri had a single accident last Friday (6/9) in Ciamis. Devi Aristyaputri

Ruri Wantogia, vocalist of the band Repvblik, had a single accident while riding a big motorbike (moge), Friday (6/9) in the Cijeungjing area, Ciamis, West Java. In the fatal accident, Ruri was known to have hit a large rock on the side of the road.

The hard impact caused the singer of the song "Sayang Sampai Mati" to be thrown towards the trees around the area. The accident resulted in Ruri being rushed to the hospital.

Until finally the singer named Ruri Herdian Wantogia received inpatient treatment. Three days in the hospital, Ruri still uses a cast or neck brace while smiling with several wounds on her face.

But after more than a week, Ruri's condition is getting better. Reporting from the video upload on the Instagram account ruri_repvblik, she can't wait to perform again. It is known that on Sunday (15/9), Ruri will perform in Samarinda.

Curious about Ruri's portrait who can't wait to perform again? Let's see her portrait as summarized by brilio.net from various sources, Thursday (12/9).


In the latest video reel upload, Ruri's face looks healthy and fresh again.


Even though there were several wounds on her hands and body that had not fully healed, Ruri looked excited to get out of bed.


He immediately held the place to put the IV. Not for his body's support, but to reminisce about making the mic and singing a piece of the song.


Of course, the enthusiasm to get well soon is supported by the family.


With the IV still attached and her body still not completely healthy, Ruri took the time to chat with her baby.


Not only that, in order to recover quickly, Ruri also took the time to go out of the room to breathe fresh air in the morning with his wife.

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