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7 Juli 2024 15:05

9 The wedding moment of Chand Kelvin, who was single at the age of 39, his dowry was 77 grams of gold

Chand Kelvin and Dea Sahirah have been in love for 6 years Khansa Nabilah
foto: Instagram/@official_kelviners

Happy news comes from the soap opera actor Jodoh Wasiat Bapak, Chand Kelvin . The man from Solo finally gave up being single at the age of 39. He married his idol, Dea Sahirah, on Sunday (7/7).

Chand Kelvin and Dea Sahirah have been in love for 6 years. Determined to take the relationship to a serious level, Chand finally proposed to Inneke Koesherawati's niece last Sunday (5/5). Even though they have a large age gap, this is not a problem for them.

Before officially starting their romance, the two of them met by Chand's friend, Adly Fairuz. Apparently, Adly Fairuz's wife is Dea's kindergarten friend. Now Chand and Dea have officially become husband and wife.

Check out Chand Kelvin's wedding moments collected by brilio.net from various sources on Sunday (7/7).

TikTok @aditsur88

Chand Kelvin officially gave up his bachelorhood at the age of 39 by marrying Dea Sahirah.

TikTok @nessasalvyana

Chand and Dea's wedding was held on this beautiful date, Sunday (7/7), located in the hall of the Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Jakarta.

TikTok @angbeenrishi

After the ceremony, Dea Sahirah looked beautiful in her Solo Putri wedding dress and make-up.

Instagram @official_kelviners

Even though they are 12 years apart, it is not an obstacle for them to get married, you know. It is known that Dea is still 27 years old.

Instagram @official_kelviners

At Chand and Dea's wedding, Erick Thohir, BUMN minister, was present as a marriage witness.

Instagram @official_kelviners

Chand Kelvin married Dea with a dowry of 77 grams of precious metal and IDR 2,024,000 in cash.

Instagram @official_kelviners

Happiness radiates from the face of the owner whose real name is Chandra Adi Prakoso. Finally, he married his lover thanks to Adly Fairuz and Angbeen Rishi.

Instagram @official_kelviners

Yups, Chand and Dea developed a romance thanks to the roles of Adly Fairuz and Angbeen Rishi who introduced them both.

Instagram @official_kelviners

These two newly married couples look really harmonious, right?

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