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10 Juli 2024 17:45

9 Portraits of Nagita Slavina praised as similar to Zaskia Sungkar, manglingi pol, often wears the hijab after the Hajj

Nagita's new appearance received a positive response from netizens. Ferra Listianti
9 Portraits of Nagita Slavina praised as similar to Zaskia Sungkar, manglingi pol, often wears the hijab after the Hajj

After returning from the Hajj pilgrimage, Nagita Slavina slowly changed her appearance. Raffi Ahmad's wife was seen appearing covered by wearing her hijab. Not only at certain moments, this mother of two consistently appears closed on various occasions.

Apparently, Caca Tengker's older sister has expressed her desire to wear the hijab for a long time. It is known that in 2019, Nagita once expressed her desire to wear the hijab. Suddenly, Nagita's new appearance immediately stole the public's attention.

Even though it's not completely perfect, Nagita's new appearance has received a positive response from netizens. Apart from praise and prayers for Nagita to wear the hijab, quite a few netizens said that her portrait now looks more and more like Zaskia Sungkar.

"The teeth of @raffinagita1717 look more and more like kia @zaskiasungkar15," said @indah_nendra

"It looks a bit like Mama Gigi's Zaskia Sungkar," said @dewidaffarel2018

The following brilio.net summarizes from Instagram @raffinagita1717 on Wednesday (10/7), a portrait of Nagita Slavina wearing the hijab.

Nagita Slavina's new appearance wearing a hijab has successfully stolen the public's attention.


Nagita Slavina's new appearance wearing a hijab has successfully stolen the public's attention.


Not a few netizens say that his portrait now looks more and more like Zaskia Sungkar.


Even though it is not completely perfect, the appearance of the woman who is familiarly called Gigi with her veil makes her beautiful charm shine even more.


Mama Gigi still looks charming and stylish with her combination of clothes and hijab fabric. Like when he wore a striped shirt with a bright pink headscarf.


The pashmina hijab is her mainstay when appearing in various activities. This is what he looks like wearing a pashmina and striped T-shirt when singing with Raffi at a restaurant in Jakarta.


Apart from her new appearance wearing a hijab, the sweet smile of Lili's mother is also increasingly similar to that of Irwansyah's wife.


Not only that, the portrait also looks much younger, like a teenager when she appears with the hijab.


Nagita Slavina's OOTD appearance when she went to the zoo with her two children. The choice of bright yellow makes Gigi's face look even more radiant, doesn't it?


When compared like this, it proves that Nagita is increasingly similar to Zaskia Sungkar, right? Do you agree?

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