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22 Juni 2017 16:08

Police Name Bengkulu Governor & Wife Suspects In Bribery Case

It's just ironic, knowing that it was the governor who initiated the Anti-Corruption Integrity Pact, last year. Tunggul Kumoro
Police Name Bengkulu Governor &  Wife Suspects In Bribery Case © Shutterstock

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has named Bengkulu Governor Ridwan Mukti and his wife Lily Maddari suspects of alleged bribery related to road improvement projects in Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu on Wednesday.

KPK Deputy Chairman Alexander Marwata said Ridwan Mukti allegedlyreceived money from PT Statika Mitranya Sarana director Jhoni Wijaya as a guarantee of winning a road construction tender in Rejang Lebong.

"After some questionings continued by an open investigation, [it is found] there's a corruption for receiving gratuities [done] by Bengkulu Governor," said Alexander in a press conference at KPK building, Jakarta.

The anti-graft agency has also named Jhoni Wijaya as another suspect and Rico Dian Sari as third party intermediary.

Jhoni as bribe giver is suspected of violating Article 5 par. 1a or Article 5 par. 1b or Article 13 of Law No. 31/1999 on the Eradication of Corruption as amended by Law No. 20/21001 junto Article 55 par. 1 of the Criminal Code.

While Ridwan, Lily and Rico, as the bribe takers allegedly violate Article 12 letter a or b or Article 11 of Law Number 31/1999 on Eradication of Corruption as amended by Law No. 20/2001 junto Article 55 par. 1 of rhe Criminal Code.

KPK arrested Lily Maddari in a sting operation in her house on Tuesday, June 20, 2017. Along with other two contractors Rico Dian Sari and Jhoni, she was brought to Bengkulu Police Headquarters in which later followed by Ridwan's arrival to the headquarter.

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