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19 Mei 2017 17:45

MRT Upgrades Their Security To Stop People From Trespassing Into Sites

Apparently people have been sneaking into the construction sites to take Instagram-worthy pictures. Tunggul Kumoro
MRT Upgrades Their Security To Stop People From Trespassing Into Sites © 2017 brilio.net/Jefri Aries

Jakarta's Mass Rapid Transit construction sites are cool and you can take great pictures there.

We get it. We've been there. But it doesn't mean that you can justsneak in there.(Also: check it out here!)

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First of all, it's called trespassing and it is illegal. Second of all, there is a legal way to see what's been happening under: ask for a slot of guided tour from PT MRT Jakarta.

But some teenagers decided that the 'gram is worth the effort (and possible arrest) and decided to visit the site without permission.

A photo of three teenagers at the MRT tunnel has been viral these past few days.

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PT MRT Jakarta spokesperson Tubagus Hikmatullah said that the company never gave a permission to those teenagers to enter the site.

And how do they know that the teenagers entered the tunnel illegally?

Well, their picture shows it all.

Photo: Instagram/@erlanggacitro

"It wasn't through the proper procedure. In every official visit, visitors must wear personal protective equipments like helmet, vest and standard safety shoes," said Tubagus.

The company has acted upon the illegal entrance.

First, they fired the worker who let the teenagers in. The company willalso impose sanctions and reprimand to the project contractor, Obayashi-Shimizu-Jaya Konstruksi joint venture.

"The sanction given will be in form of demerit point or point deduction on health and safety environment (HSE) aspect," said Tubagus Hikmatullah in a written statement, Thursday.

The point reduction, according to him, will be included in the contractor's performance appraisal which will affect the participation opportunity in future projects.

To avoid any trespassing in the future, PTMRT Jakarta have also asked the contractor to workwith the authorities to findthe three teenagers.

Tubagus addedthat they will also increase the number of security personnel around the project construction area targeted for completion by 2019.

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