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14 Agustus 2017 10:00

East Nusa Tenggara MUI Reports YouTube Channel Over Blasphemy

A linguist is involved to analyze the language used in the 'Surga Di Mana' song lyrics. Tunggul Kumoro
East Nusa Tenggara MUI Reports YouTube Channel Over Blasphemy Sikka Police guarded Muslims who perfomed tarawih (evening Ramadhan prayers) in Kewapante, East Nusa Tenggara. (Photo: Twitter/@SikkaNtt)

Sikka Police Chief AKBP I Made Kusuma Jaya said thatthe board of Ulama board of East Nusa Tenggara chapter of Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) have reported a YouTube account "Maumere Music Channel" to police over religious defamation.

According to Made, the report was made after the channel posted and distributed a song titled "Surga di Mana" (Where is Heaven) in the video-sharing website.

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"The one who reported to police was Sikka MUI Chairman. It's two days ago, on Wednesday. Thus, I as the Sikka Police Chief, took an initiative to conduct a coordination meeting with Forkopimda (Regional Leadership Communication Forum) and Sikka Inter-Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB)," said Made on Friday.

According to the information, continued Made, the song was sung in Manggarainese language and to resolve the case, the police was set to conduct an investigation involving linguist to collect more data.

A coordination meeting had also been held with all parties related for preventing horizontal conflict.

"We hope this problem could be solved immediately and thoroughly," added Made.

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