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20 Juli 2017 11:15

Govt Delays 35,000 MW Electricity Program To 2025

In the next three years, the development of power plants is expected to reach 20,000 megawatt only. Petra Hapsari
Govt Delays 35,000 MW Electricity Program To 2025 Image: Shutterstock/NESPIX

The government decided to delay the target of its mega project of providing 35,000 megawatt electricity throughout the country from 2020 to 2025.

In the next three years, the development of power plants is expected to reach 20,000 megawatt only.

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The goal to reach 35,000 megawatt capacity will keep on going. We understand that half of power plants will not be ready in 2019 or 2020, Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Ignasius Jonan said. We predict that the capacity of 20,000 MW will be reached in 2019 or 2020.

The program will continue in the next five years, so in 2024-2025 the additional capacity can beachieved, Jonan said.

Jonan continued that he hopes electricity in the future will not only be sufficient for all people but also affordable.

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If we see our people from Sabang to Merauke, from Miangas Island to Rote Island, their economic capabilityis varied. For the people here (in Jakarta) the [electricity] capacity is enough and the price is still good. But for those with income lower than GDP and live in the border, affordability is a big issue, Johan said.

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