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6 Februari 2024 18:00

Without soaking it in hot water, here's how to wash a dirty blanket so it's soft and not musty, add 2 kitchen ingredients

The blanket is not musty, sleeping is more comfortable. Nadhifah

Brilio.net - Blankets are used to warm the body when relaxing or when sleeping. The shape is thick and the texture tends to be soft. Usually blankets are made from cotton, polyester or other fiber mixtures.

Because every day it is used, the appearance of the blanket sometimes becomes dirty. Reporting from thespruce.com, this is caused by a buildup of body sweat on the blanket.

Knowing this, a number of people immediately soaked the blanket in hot water. The goal is to ensure that all stubborn stains disappear without leaving anything remaining. Even though it is clean, if you use hot water, the fabric fibers on the blanket will actually loosen. As a result, the texture of the blanket is not as smooth as before.

To get around this, you can copy the method done by YouTube user @Gianola Vlog. In the video upload, this netizen washes the blanket without going through the hot water soaking process . Even so, the results are still maximally clean and the texture is even softer.

First, he dissolved dish soap in the water in the washing machine. To get maximum clean results, he also added another kitchen ingredient, namely vinegar as a mixture for cleaning blankets.

"The function of vinegar is to remove dirt and eliminate musty odors," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube @Gianola Vlog on Tuesday (6/2).

photo: YouTube/@Gianola Vlog

If so, put the blanket in and start the washing machine as usual. After washing, it appears that the washing water has changed color to become cloudy.

photo: YouTube/@Gianola Vlog

Discard the washing water then replace it with new clean water. After that, put a sachet of liquid detergent into it. It didn't stop there, he also added one kitchen ingredient, namely baking soda, to the washing machine. So, the additional kitchen ingredients needed to wash this blanket are table vinegar and baking soda.

"The function of baking soda is to soften and brighten," explained the owner of the video.

photo: YouTube/@Gianola Vlog

Close then turn on the washing machine. Lastly, rinse the blanket with clean water. Then dry the blanket using the spinner in the washing machine.

photo: YouTube/@Gianola Vlog

Since it is clean and dry, remove the blanket from the washing machine. Well, the appearance of the blanket immediately looks bright, clean and not musty. When touched, the blanket felt so soft.

photo: YouTube/@Gianola Vlog

"It's soft and doesn't smell musty anymore," he explained further.

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