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26 Agustus 2024 10:00

Without soaking in vinegar, here's a trick to wash dull and crusty glass so it's shiny using 2 kitchen ingredients.

Auto shiny glass in an instant. Shahfara Raida
Without soaking in vinegar, here's a trick to wash dull and crusty glass so it's shiny using 2 kitchen ingredients. HL: TikTok/@nasgormasdidik

Brilio.net - Glass cups that are often filled with colored drinks are certainly easy to become dull, especially drinks like coffee and tea. In addition to being dull, the glass cups will also be filled with brownish crust over time. The condition of the glass that has crust will certainly not be shiny anymore if only washed with water and soap.

There have been many tricks about washing glass glasses circulating on social media. For example, dull and crusty glass glasses can be washed using vinegar. After investigating, it turns out that the high acid in vinegar can help remove stubborn stains on glass glasses.

However, if you don't have any vinegar at home, don't worry because there are still other kitchen ingredients that you can use. TikTok user @nasgormasdidik shared his trick. After investigating, you only need two kitchen ingredients to practice this trick.

photo: TikTok/@nasgormasdidik

The tools that must be prepared are basins. Fill the basin with 2 tablespoons of dish soap and 1 tablespoon of baking soda. Yes, those are the two main kitchen ingredients to practice the trick of washing dull and crusty glass glasses. After that, dissolve both ingredients with hot water.

photo: TikTok/@nasgormasdidik

Immediately soak the glass you want to clean in it. Stir it for a while, then let the glass soak for about 10 to 15 minutes.

After letting it sit, lift it and scrub the glass using a dishwashing sponge. Make sure you scrub all parts of the glass, both inside and out.

photo: TikTok/@nasgormasdidik

If you feel the glass is free of stains, then rinse it using running water. TikTok account owner @nasgormasdidik said, you can repeat the same trick if there are still dull stains or crust on the glass.

"If there is still a little bit of crust left, we rinse it again using the cleaning agent," said the owner of the TikTok account @nasgormasdidik, quoted by BrilioFood on Friday (23/8).

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