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12 Juni 2024 11:01

Without smearing it with lime, this trick for mothers to get rid of the smell of goat meat is effective using 3 kitchen ingredients.

The smell of goat meat comes from chemical compounds called pheromones. Shahfara Raida
Without smearing it with lime, this trick for mothers to get rid of the smell of goat meat is effective using 3 kitchen ingredients. TikTok/@daisyjiejie73

Brilio.net - You can use goat meat as an alternative menu when you are bored with the same side dishes. This animal meat is also synonymous with food to celebrate big holidays, such as Eid al-Adha, aqikah, weddings, and so on.

However, it is common knowledge that goat meat has a quite strong prengus aroma if you make a mistake when processing it. The smell of goat meat comes from chemical compounds called pheromones. This pheromone is naturally always present in the bodies of goats, especially males, and functions to increase attraction among female goats.

So, one of the solutions to get rid of the smell of goat meat, you can try using the technique of smearing it with lime juice. The high acidity of lime is known to be effective in repelling unpleasant odors, such as the smell of goat meat.

However, if you don't want or don't have lime stock at home, don't worry because there are still other tricks to get rid of the smell of goat meat. This trick was shared by netizens from Malaysia on the TikTok account @daisyjiejie73, namely relying on only three kitchen ingredients.

"Don't wash it with water, because the smell won't go away," stressed the owner of the TikTok account @daisyjiejie73, quoted by BrilioFood on Wednesday (12/6).

This trick for mothers to get rid of the smell of goat meat is effective.

Before starting the trick, first put all the pieces of goat meat in a bowl. Mix the goat meat with flour, salt and vinegar to taste, then stir well. Yup, those are the three main kitchen ingredients to practice this mother-style trick to get rid of the smell of mutton prengus.

photo: TikTok/@daisyjiejie73

After stirring, add clean water until all the goat meat is submerged. Leave it for 5 minutes, then the soaking water will turn reddish, which means it has succeeded in removing the prengus smell from the goat meat.

photo: TikTok/@daisyjiejie73

After that, rinse the goat meat with running water 3 times until it is completely clean. If it is clean, the goat meat is ready to be cooked into any dish you like.

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