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31 Oktober 2024 05:00

Without scrubbing, here's a trick to clean thickly crusted bathroom walls using 1 kitchen ingredient

Residue from soap and shampoo that is not properly removed can also add thickness to the crust, making it even more difficult to remove. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
Facebook/Fitri Rahmawati

Brilio.net - Bathroom scale is often a disturbing problem. Bathroom walls that should be clean and shiny can turn into a place where stubborn scale accumulates. This scale not only reduces the aesthetics of the room, but can also be a nest for germs and bacteria that are harmful to health.

Bathroom limescale is generally formed due to the buildup of minerals from water , such as calcium and magnesium, that settle over time. Using hard water or water with a high mineral content speeds up this process. In addition, residue from soap and shampoo that is not properly cleaned can also add to the thickness of the limescale, making it even more difficult to remove.

Removing bathroom limescale is not an easy task. Many people are frustrated because limescale that has stuck to the walls requires extra effort to be cleaned. Although various cleaning products are available on the market, special techniques and additional tools are often needed to thoroughly remove limescale.

In fact, if you know the trick, the crust can actually be cleaned easily, even without a brush. A Facebook user, Fitri Rahmawati, once shared a simple trick in cleaning bathroom walls with thick crust. Through one of the videos she uploaded, she admitted to using two simple ingredients, one of which even came from the kitchen.

As reported by BrilioFood from Facebook Fitri Rahmawati on Wednesday (10/30), the kitchen ingredient in question is dishwashing soap. In addition to dishwashing soap, she also uses citric acid as a cleaner. Well, these two ingredients can immediately remove scale easily even without brushing.

photo: Facebook/Fitri Rahmawati

How to use it is quite easy. In a container, mix enough citric acid and dish soap. After that, dissolve both of these ingredients with hot water. Then stir using a brush.

photo: Facebook/Fitri Rahmawati

Next, apply the liquid to the crusty bathroom walls. You don't need to rub too hard, just rub it with a brush until the cleaning fluid is evenly absorbed throughout the thick crust on the bathroom walls. After that, let it sit for a while so that the crust fades.

photo: Facebook/Fitri Rahmawati

If the crust has completely disappeared, immediately rinse the bathroom walls with running water. Immediately after rinsing, the bathroom walls will look shiny and clean. This indicates that the mixture of citric acid and dish soap can be very effective in removing stubborn stains.

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