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22 Maret 2024 23:00

Without scrubbing hard, this is how to clean yellow bathtub stains plus 1 kitchen ingredient

If you rub hard, it can make the tub clean, but it also risks leaking. Dewi Suci Rahmadhani
Without scrubbing hard, this is how to clean yellow bathtub stains plus 1 kitchen ingredient YouTube/Mama Sharing

Brilio.net - Even though many people are starting to switch to using showers, there are quite a few who still use bathtubs to store clean water in the bathroom. Well, because it functions as a reservoir, the bathtub gets dirty and stains quickly.

This dirt usually settles at the bottom of the bathtub and over time becomes a yellow stain. If it is not cleaned immediately, the dirt will harden and eventually make the water stored dirty .

So, to clean the yellow stains, some people usually brush the bathtub vigorously with wire wool or a brush. This method can indeed make the bathtub clean, but it also risks making it leak.

But you don't need to worry, because actually there are other ways to clean the yellow stains. This method was shared by YouTube user Mama Sharing. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he could clean the bathtub without needing to scrub hard. He also only uses two ingredients and one of them comes from the kitchen.

How to clean yellow bathtub stains plus 1 kitchen ingredient.

"This terrazzo tub inside is really dirty, isn't it? Even though it's always cleaned once a week. I think maybe the water content is quite hard, so it turns yellow and crusty quickly," he said.

photo: YouTube/Mama Sharing

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Mama Sharing on Friday (22/3), the kitchen ingredient used is dishwashing soap. Meanwhile, the other ingredient you need to prepare is citrus. First of all, he boiled water in a pot.

"Well, I want to boil water first for the mixture, it doesn't need to boil, that's okay," he added.

Next, prepare a plastic scoop for the container. Then add one packet of citrus and add enough dish soap. If so, also add a pot of hot water. Then stir with a brush so that the cleaning fluid is mixed evenly.

photo: YouTube/Mama Sharing

Before cleaning it, the YouTube user drained the bathtub first. After the tub was empty, he scrubbed the inside with a rag and the cleaning fluid.

"Just rub it on, the dirt fades really quickly. It's done in 5 minutes," he explained further.

photo: YouTube/Mama Sharing

If so, rinse the inside of the tub with water until it is completely clean. Apart from cleaning the inside, the YouTube user also scrubbed the outside of the bathtub and the cover to make it shine again.

photo: YouTube/Mama Sharing

If so, rinse the entire bathtub again until it is clean. Then don't forget to put the cover back on. The bathtub can also be filled with water and used again.

"Well, this is the difference. Now it's shiny and clean. It's very different from before it was cleaned," he concluded.

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