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30 April 2024 15:00

Without rubbing with baking soda, here's how to wash dirty kitchen cloths to make them clean using 1 additional kitchen ingredient

Apart from being unsightly, dirty kitchen rags can also become a nest for bacteria. Nadhifah
Without rubbing with baking soda, here's how to wash dirty kitchen cloths to make them clean using 1 additional kitchen ingredient YouTube/Mama Kaindra

Brilio.net - When cooking, some people feel the need to provide a cloth to wipe the surface of the table or stove. That way, all the dirt will be lifted perfectly on the cloth. The surface of the table and stove was perfectly clean again.

Because it is used frequently, the cloth will get dirty quickly . This can be clearly seen from the color of the cloth which will change over time. Apart from being unsightly, dirty kitchen rags can also become a nest for bacteria.

To clean kitchen towels that are already dirty, some people deliberately rub them with a baking soda solution. After rubbing for a while, all the dirt on the cloth will disappear and nothing remains. Just rinse then dry the cloth.

But there's no need to worry if your baking soda stock is running low, because there are other cleaning agents that you can use to clean kitchen towels . The method was done by Facebook user anis_faujiah. In his video upload, this netizen appears to have replaced baking soda with another kitchen ingredient.

How to wash dirty kitchen cloths to make them clean using 1 additional kitchen ingredient.

Reported by BrilioFood from Facebook anis_faujiah on Tuesday (30/4), first wet the cloth to be washed with clean water. If so, sprinkle with enough citrus. To make it even more perfectly clean, he also added one kitchen ingredient, namely dabbing soap on a cloth.

photo: Facebook/anis_faujiah

Spread with your hands until these two cleaning agents cover the entire surface of the cloth. If so, let it sit for a while so that the cleaning solution is completely absorbed.

photo: Facebook/anis_faujiah

After leaving it for a while, brush the kitchen cloth. Do it evenly and thoroughly, OK? Without expending extra energy, all the dirt on the surface of the cloth is immediately removed and nothing remains.

photo: Facebook/anis_faujiah

Next, rinse the cloth with clean water. After that, wring it out and dry the cloth in direct sunlight. When it's dry, lift it and the clean cloth can be used straight away as usual.

photo: Facebook/anis_faujiah

Easy to imitate, right?

Factors that cause oily kitchen towels.

Greasy kitchen towels can be caused by several factors, including:

1. Leftover food oil.

While cooking, oil droplets may be splashed on the kitchen surface or around the cooking area. If not cleaned immediately, these oil droplets can cause the kitchen cloth to become oily.

2. Improper storage of oil.

If the oil container leaks or is not closed tightly, the oil can spill and drip onto the kitchen surface, causing the kitchen cloth to become oily.

3. Use of oily cooking utensils.

Using oily cooking utensils, such as frying pans, can leave oil residue on kitchen surfaces.

4. Imperfection of ventilation.

Poor ventilation in the kitchen can cause oil residue to settle on various kitchen surfaces, including kitchen towels.

5. Certain cooking habits.

Some types of cooking or cooking methods may produce more steam and oil splashes, which can then stain kitchen towels with oil.

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