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2 Mei 2024 11:00

Without needing to clean it, here's how to whiten a dirty and oily mop using only 3 kitchen ingredients

Mopping the floor can be done every day, once a week, or once a month, as needed. Nadhifah
Without needing to clean it, here's how to whiten a dirty and oily mop using only 3 kitchen ingredients YouTube/Roemah Almini

Brilio.net - Mopping the floor is often considered a tiring housework. Even after mopping, the floor definitely looks clean and shiny. Mopping the floor can be done every day, once a week, or once a month, as needed.

As for the tools, floor mops are usually made of cloth that can absorb water and dirt. Therefore, after being used for mopping, the mop becomes dirty. So, if you don't clean it straight away, the mop will turn dirty and oily. The appearance has also changed, from pure white to black.

Some people, who don't want their mops to get dirty , deliberately wash them with various cleaning solutions. In fact, to get maximum cleanliness, the mop is deliberately scrubbed with all your might.

But for those who don't want the hassle, you can copy the method used by Instagram user @indah3yani. In one of his video uploads, this netizen shows how to whiten a dirty and oily mop without needing to wash it .

Curious about how?

How to whiten dirty and oily mops using only 3 kitchen ingredients.

Reported by BrilioFood from the Instagram account @indah3yani on Thursday (2/5), pour boiling water into a bucket. Then add three kitchen ingredients, namely salt, baking soda and dish soap. Stir until all ingredients are mixed evenly.

photo: Instagram/@indah3yani

If so, put the mop in it. Without needing to check, soak the mop in the special cleaning solution until the soaking water turns cold. That way, all the dirt will fall out by itself.

photo: Instagram/@indah3yani

Next, rinse the mop with running water. While rubbing gently with your hands to ensure the mop is completely clean, free from remaining stains and cleaning solution.

photo: Instagram/@indah3yani

As a result, the mop returns to its maximum whiteness and cleanliness and can be used again.

How to store baking soda so it lasts longer.

To store baking soda so that it lasts and lasts a long time, there are several steps you can take.

1. Store in a tight container.

Transfer the baking soda to a tight, airtight container. Tight-fitting plastic or glass containers are good choices. Make sure the container is completely closed to prevent air and moisture from entering.

2. Avoid humidity.

Make sure the baking soda storage area is not exposed to moisture. Moisture can cause the baking soda to become damp and clump. It is best to store it in a dry place.

3. Keep away from heat and sunlight.

Keep baking soda away from heat sources and direct sunlight. Exposure to heat and sunlight can affect the quality of baking soda.

4. Storage in a cool place.

Place the baking soda in a cool, dark place, such as a cupboard or pantry. A stable temperature helps maintain the quality of baking soda.

5. Label with date.

It's a good idea to label storage containers with the opening date. This helps you to remember how long the baking soda has been stored and when it should be replaced with new one.

With these steps, baking soda can remain durable and effective for use for a long time.

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