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28 Maret 2024 01:00

Without dissolving it in hot water, this mother's trick for mopping the floor will automatically get rough, just add 1 kitchen ingredient.

This mopping trick can keep the floor dirty for longer, you know. Shahfara Raida
Without dissolving it in hot water, this mother's trick for mopping the floor will automatically get rough, just add 1 kitchen ingredient. YouTube/Mama Kembar Ahsan Ihsan

Brilio.net - The floor of a room that is walked on every day will eventually become dirty. In fact, sweeping alone is still not enough to make the floor clean. You also need to mop the floor so that it is smooth and germ-free. Mopping can be done regularly every day, once every 3 days, once a week, or as needed.

However, sometimes there are still people who have difficulty mopping the floor . Instead of being rough and clean, it is slippery and still dirty. As a result, some people use certain mopping tricks, for example twice, adding vinegar to the cleaning fluid, and dissolving the cleaning fluid with hot water.

The hot water used for mopping is known to be effective in helping to remove stains on the floor easily. However, sometimes not everyone has hot water at home, right?

So, for those of you who don't have hot water at home, don't worry because there are other, simpler tricks.

The trick for mopping the floor without hot water was shared by the mothers of YouTube user Mama Kembar Ahsan Ihsan. He admitted that the floor of his house gets dirty very easily because it is used for playing by his young children. After all, this mopping trick can make the floor dirty for longer, you know.

"This condition of the house has not been cleaned for 1 week, I have a 5 year old child, and this house is often used as a playground, so you can imagine what condition it is in," said the owner of the YouTube account Mama Kembar Ahsan Ihsan, quoted by BrilioFood on Thursday (28/3 ).

photo: YouTube/Twin Mama Ahsan Ihsan

This mother's style trick for mopping the floor will automatically get dirty, just add 1 kitchen ingredient.

So, the trick is to first prepare a bucket filled with sufficient water. Then, drop a little mop soap or whatever floor cleaning fluid you usually use at home. Well, here's the key, you also have to add a little dish soap. Here are the key kitchen ingredients for practicing this floor mopping trick.

Stir until all the cleaning ingredients are evenly mixed, then use it to mop the entire floor of the house. The owner of the Mama Kembar YouTube account, Ahsan Ihsan, said that he usually starts mopping from the outermost floor area of the house with a gradual backward movement to the rearmost floor area of the house.

photo: YouTube/Twin Mama Ahsan Ihsan

After the entire floor has been mopped, just wait until the floor is dry, then the floor can be stepped on again. The owner of the Mama Kembar YouTube account, Ahsan Ihsan, also said that this mopping trick with the addition of dish soap also makes the floor dry quickly after mopping, you know. So, the result is that the floor looks shiny and rough, right?

photo: YouTube/Twin Mama Ahsan Ihsan

So, if you are interested in trying this trick or do you have other tricks? Taking a peek at Mama Kembar Ahsan Ihsan's YouTube upload, it's true that not many netizens have left comments, but this video has received enthusiasm from more than 37 thousand viewers.

How to make your house floors smell good.

To make the floor last longer and smell good using ingredients generally available in the kitchen, here are some steps you can follow.

1. Basic cleaning.

- Clean the floor thoroughly first. Make sure there is no dust, dirt or food debris.

- Use a floor cleaner that suits your floor type (for example, ceramic cleaner for ceramic floors, or wood cleaner for wooden floors).

2. Use of kitchen ingredients.

- Mix white vinegar with water in a 1:1 ratio. White vinegar will help clean the floor and leave a nice smelling effect afterward.

- Lemon has a fresh aroma and can kill bacteria. Mix lemon juice with plain water to clean the floor.

- Add a few drops of essential oil to the cleansing water to provide a long-lasting scent. Essential oils such as lavender, peppermint, or orange are usually used to provide a refreshing aroma.

3. Steps.

- Mix the ingredients above in a clean bucket or basin.

- Use this solution to clean the floor with a rag or mop. Make sure to dry the floor after cleaning it.

- Once the floor is dry, you can also use the same solution as a spray to spray the floor evenly and give it a pleasant aroma.

4. Follow-up care.

- Keep the floor clean regularly by cleaning it every day or whenever needed.

- Avoid using harsh chemicals that can damage the floor or remove the desired fragrance.

- If possible, make a schedule to provide additional treatment such as floor patterns or polishing which can help protect the floor from wear and damage.

With these steps, you can create a clean, durable and fragrant floor using ingredients generally found in the kitchen. However, make sure to test the cleaning solution on a small area first to ensure there are no negative effects on your floors.

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