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2 Mei 2024 14:00

Without dismantling it, here's a trick for cleaning a dull helmet visor full of stains, just rely on 1 kitchen ingredient

Helmet glass that already has a thick enough stain is difficult to clean if you just wipe it with a tissue or wipe. Shahfara Raida
foto: YouTube/Ki Pamungkas

Brilio.net - Helmet visors play an important role in protecting the eye and face area from dust when driving. However, the more often a helmet is used, the easier it is to get dirty on the visor. Signs of a dirty helmet visor can be seen from the appearance of scratches or the color turning dull.

A helmet visor that already has quite thick stains is difficult to clean if you just wipe it with a tissue or cloth. As a result, many people choose to dismantle their helmet visors to make them easier to scrub when cleaning. However, the process of dismantling the helmet visor is considered complicated by some people.

So, for those of you who don't like complicated things, you can try the trick for cleaning your helmet visor from YouTube user Ki Pamungkas at home. This netizen shows a tutorial for cleaning clear helmet visors. But according to him, this trick can also be used on other types of helmet visors.

"For example, if the glass is dirty, we need to wipe it well so that the glass doesn't look scratched," he stressed, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube Ki Pamungkas on Tuesday (30/4).

Is that enough? There's still a secret, here.

How to clean a helmet visor using kitchen ingredients.

The first tools and materials that must be prepared are a bowl filled with clean water and several pieces of cotton. So, next, take 1 piece of cotton and drip it with a little dish soap. Yup, dishwashing soap is the main kitchen ingredient for practicing this trick for cleaning helmet visors.

After applying dish soap, dip the cotton into a bowl filled with water. Then squeeze it so that the cotton is not too wet when applied to the helmet visor.

photo: YouTube/Ki Pamungkas

Next, rub the cotton wool on the front and back of the helmet visor until it shines. If all the stains that caused the helmet visor to become dull have disappeared, just dry the visor by rubbing it with new, still dry, cotton wool.

photo: YouTube/Ki Pamungkas

What, the result is that the helmet visor can be shiny again, right? Taking a peek at Ki Pamungkas' YouTube upload, even though there aren't many comments yet, this video has received enthusiasm from more than 3,000 viewers, you know.

How to deodorize the inside of a helmet.

There are several ways you can try to get rid of the smell in your helmet using kitchen ingredients.

1. Lime or lemon.

Squeeze the juice from several limes or lemons, then rub it on the inside of the helmet. Leave it for several hours or overnight before rinsing clean. The citric acid in limes or lemons can help eliminate odors.

2. White vinegar.

Mix white vinegar with water in a 1:1 ratio. Use this mixture to clean the inside of the helmet with a clean sponge or cloth. Allow to dry before using again. Vinegar has antibacterial properties that can help eliminate odors.

3. Baking soda.

Sprinkle some baking soda inside the helmet and leave it overnight. Baking soda can absorb unwanted odors. Make sure to clean off any remaining baking soda before using the helmet again.

4. Ground coffee.

Place a few spoonfuls of ground coffee in an old sock or stocking, then tie it up and place it inside the helmet. Leave it overnight. The aroma of coffee will absorb existing odors.

5. Orange peel or lemon peel.

Use dried orange peel or lemon peel. Put it in a helmet and leave it for a few days. Orange or lemon peel has a fresh aroma that can help freshen the helmet.

Make sure to clean the helmet thoroughly after using these substances to remove odors. Apart from that, make sure the helmet is completely dry before using it again to prevent the growth of bacteria that can cause odor.

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